chapter twenty//want to see a movie?

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so guys, i can't change the name yet because i don't have the cover yet. okay loves, happy reading!


Chapter twenty


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We jammed our lips together and at that moment, everything in the room vanished. I felt like a giddy school girl, kissing her crush for the first time.

He held my head lightly with his left hand, the right going on my cheek as he caressed it softly. His lips tasted like the most delicious mango I had ever eaten. Butterflies no scratch that birds flew in my stomach and I became weak in the knees.

As he deepened the kiss, electric sparks flew around my body and I hated myself for feeling like that. He probably didn't even feel a thing and here I was, behaving stupid. As our lips danced in sync to the imaginary music playing from the stereo in our minds, I tried to balance myself properly as I struggled to make the kiss worthwhile. Then I became nervous.

Was I terrible kisser?

Was he enjoying it?

What if my breath stank?

What if I bit his lips?

The men I slept with never gave me feedbacks on my kissing skills. What did I get myself into? I didn't prepare for this and I could just feel the blood running to my cheeks; I could bet a million Naira that I was red like a big juicy tomato.

"Em... thank you." I said as I pushed him away softly.

"I'm so sorry, that was a mistake." He said with a nervous smile. Ouch. I looked into his eyes and I got lost once again in the beautiful chocolate puddle. We both stared at each other in awkward silence. His eyes danced around my body and I took the time to observe him too. He looked effortlessly gorgeous in black joggers and a plain black tee. He looked like a whole meal. Scratch it again, he was the fucking restaurant.

"Yes... We were just caught up in the moment right." I said nervously. He just nodded and we both fell in another awkward silence. My mouth said caught up in the moment but my lips craved his. It itched to marry with his heavenly made mouth.

We watched Trace for about ten minutes and out of the blue, he just blurted; "Hey do you want to see a movie?" I looked at him a bit confused. Movie? Like a date? Don't get ahead of your head Anjola.

"What movie?" I asked him as I bit my lips to keep myself sane.

"Damn Anjola, don't bite your lips, it turns me on so bad and I might not be able to stop myself." He said his voice deep, silky and husky. His voice... his goddamn voice. That was the first thing I noticed about him. He called my name in such a way that it seemed I was born for him to call my name. Music to my ears...

He kept a straight face and I felt powerless just looking at him. I knew he had some sort of control over me and I didn't like that. "Em... I think they brought oceans8 to Oopl cinema." One could almost taste the awkwardness in the air.

"Oh then I'm game. Shebi that film that our celebrities dressed like peacocks to attend the premiere?" He laughed and gave me a smile, a genuine one.

"Great, lemme tell Mike to get the car ready."

He left me alone and I glanced at myself. I was wearing the simple black dress we wore when they picked the girls to stay and the ones to go home. My weave was already prepping for its grave and I had no makeup whatsoever.

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