chapter thirteen// stay with me

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It was about twelve thirty and Anjola still didn't come back. She probably went to stay at a friend's or something. I increased the volume of my TV to hear what Yara was saying properly. What better Way to unwind than with some good grown.ish.

I stood up to get a refill of my mango drink when I heard the sound of my iPhone x. In my family, iphones were just the normal gifts everybody gave each other. My mum got this one for me and my dad got me an 8 which I gave to Nosifat.

It was a whatsapp message from Harry and I scanned through it lazily. Turns out he was having a birthday this evening and he forgot to invite me earlier so he just told me to join in.

I didn't really feel like going to a crowded place with loud deafening music and alcohol but when I got to the part that my guy spinall was playing, I stood up and got dressed. Ever since he left for Lagos, we did not get to hang out much.


I was getting some drinks for me and spinall when I heard a huge splash in the pool. He stopped the music immediately and everybody's attention focused on the girl in the pool.

Nobody really did anything and we all waited for her to swim back up but as soon as I saw her hands coming up in that particular manner, it hit me.

She cannot swim.


I am not going to let this happen on my watch again.

" can't swi..." her voice came out and immediately, I dived in and carried her up with one arm. Another guy in the pool assisted me in bringing her up because I was fully clothed and it was very hard to swim with shoes.

"Stay with me, I got you." I said as I lifted her up. She was a bit heavy but as you all, the gym is my second home so I don't sweat girls like this.

I pushed her up with the help of the other guy and got out of the pool. Some people brought out their phones and started taking pictures and videos. What is wrong with people these days?

Others gathered around her and tried to see her face. "Let's give her some breathing space." I yelled but that didn't stop some nosy people.

I touched her body and she was freezing cold. Her body was numb and she felt like a frozen turkey. One of the disco lights shined on her briefly, revealing her face that was masked by darkness before. She was light skinned with pointed nose.

Wait a minute?



Stay with me babe.

The guy was keeping people from coming closer to enable her get enough oxygen.

She was still still and the best thing to do was to give her mouth to mouth resuscitation.

I finally get to touch her lips.

Idiot, should you be thinking that?

I bent slowly and locked my lips with hers. I had the insane urge to close my eyes and deepen it but this wasn't a kiss, I was saving her life so with help from the guy, I breathe into her mouth while he hits her chest.

Lucky man, he gets to touch the oranges.

"Breathe harder," the guy said as he continued hitting carefully. After about five minutes of breathing and hitting, she coughed up some water right on my face.

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