chapter nine// "who wraps a banana before eating it"

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The next day after the ice cream incidence, korede showed me my room; it was the room I had woken up in the other day. He also gave me a tour of his pent house that was on top of a fifty five storey building.

Since I had no clothes to wear to school or around the house, he gave me some clothes from a particular room he did not allow me see.

It was Monday and I needed to get to school as fast as possible to see the lecturer concerning the test I missed. As soon as my alarm clock sounded, I jumped out of bed into the bathroom.

After I was done with my hygiene, I stepped back into the room. I actually felt at peace, no drunkard looking through my window while I dressed up, no rotten smell of spoilt rice and stale alcohol. That wasn't my home and I knew it but doesn't hurt to just take life as it is.

I quickly dress up in black jeans that were about two sizes smaller and a pink flowery chiffon top. I slip on the black flats which fit just perfectly and I noticed the sole was red.

Christian loboutin's red bottoms? Shoot me.

Part of our agreement was that I made food for both of us so I quickly ran to the kitchen to prepare something. It was already fifteen minutes past eight and I needed to get to class before nine o'clock. I opened all the cabinets and found absolutely no groceries.

There was a particular shelf that stood in between two white ones opposite the gas cooker. It seemed inviting and I opened it; revealing a huge pile of junk food.

Marshmallows, bounty, Oreos, kit Kat, wafers you name it. I quickly grabbed a packet of mars for breakfast and ran out of the house after brewing some coffee and making burnt toast with his stupid fancy toaster.

Abeg we don't have those kind things in my village I cannot come and die.


I got down that from the taxi after inhaling three days ago sweat and cheap perfume for about one hour. Koredes apartment was a little bit far from the university and it was even farther since I had to walk from the apartment to the estate gate and I missed my way three times.

All the houses were identical and it was as if I was going round in circles until a security man directed me. Since I wasn't in a Ferrari or BMW, he almost arrested me because he thought I came here to steal. Stupid idiot.

I combed through the hustle and bustle of federal university of agriculture, Abeokuta with my weak legs that almost couldn't carry my body. I've never seen a place they didn't allow bikes or even normal public taxi to enter in Abeokuta, because they are living at hilltop the commoners have to walk.

I was almost at lecture room when IRE played loudly, signifying I had a phone call. I contemplated hanging up but it was korede the man that gave me a house, food, clothes and money to go to school. Although I was still suspicious about his motives you know what they say; if horses were wishes, beggars would ride and I might be everything in this world but I'm not ungrateful so I rest on a tall brown pillar and picked the call.

His deep voice came through the phone, sending chills down my spine like I was dumped with a bucket of cold water on a hot sunny day. "So your manners are as bad as your cooking?"

What does this guy want now? I had classes to go to. I was already late, I had a lecturer that thought he had the word at his feet to face and he was dishing out some crap right now?

"Excuse me?" I said, partly because I was pissed off and because of the fact that I really couldn't hear. James Alabi was carrying out his campaign and publishing his manifestoes. I really don't see why they waste their time with student union shit.

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