chapter five//mine

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A light skinned girl came in to the sitting room through the elevator wearing knee ripped jeans and a denim shirt. Her skin was simply flawless and angels floated on her head as she walked into the room with a confident air, her jet black pumps hitting the wooden floor a little bit noisily as she took each step.

"Let go of my man bitch." She yelled as soon as she stepped in. She tore us apart with her perfectly manicured nails and shot me a death glare. As soon as he left my hands, I suddenly felt a sense of want. Like I've had so many guys yet I had none.

Other peoples husbands, yes.

Other people's boyfriends, yes.

Horny single men, yes.

"You don't have to act like a child Leila, we can talk about this, and you don't-"

"Listen to me piece of garbage, this man is mine. Mine and mine alone." She moved closer to me brushing him aside and faced me square in the face. As the queen of eye contacts, I return the favor.

"If he's yours, then you don't have to make noise about it, grow up little brat, life doesn't evolve around fine, rich boyfriends'."

"So you think I'm fine ehn?" he piped in. "shut up!" we both said in unison.

She paused for a while to study my face. She looked like a rich girl but for a rich girl, she was dumb. He was having none of silly acts. Here she was, yelling he's mine as the so called hers doesn't look like he gives two fucks.

"Don't you talk to me like that little slut, you were the one standing here, sucking lips with my boyfriend." She yelled, spitting on me throughout the course of her outburst. Tears clouded her eyes and she looked fragile, it was obvious she's just all bark and no bite.

"Can you spit less pretty girl?"

"That's it." In less than a second she took her heels off and jumped on me. Immediately, Mr. Black that was previously enjoying the situation jumped in to get his mentally unstable girlfriend off me. She was like a dog, pulling my braids like I stole her meat.

"I am going to rip your head off." She kept pulling as I was shaking every single part of my body trying to get this crazy human being off of me.

"Do something about your girlfriend." I yelled at the stupid jerk that was doing basically nothing to get her down. He pulled her away from me and they both landed on each other on the floor.

"Come here let me gouge your eyes out." She launched at me again but he gets in the middle. I walked away from the scene so they could talk. I contemplated going through the hallway we passed the other time back to the room where I woke up this morning but that would just put more ideas in this fools head so I just sat on the four chair dining table by the big window.

"Korede why do you keep doing this to me?" so that's his name. "Am I not beautiful, don't I satisfy you enough? We even had sex in a restaurant once when you wanted to." Does this girl realize what she's saying in front of me? I should probably have stood up at that moment to give them some space but the gist was too hot.

She was shaking; her hands trembled as she backed away from korede slowly. The way she talked, the way she moved suddenly made me feel guilty about trashing her. She found me in a suspicious position with her boyfriend and it is so obvious she wasn't alright. Coming from a girl whose life has never been alright, you should get the drift.

"Leila you don't need to do this," he didn't have that playful aura anymore but he wasn't taking this all too serious either. A man that cares for his lady would've wrapped her into a tight hug and just allowed the gestures do the talking. "Come here baby." He reached for her hand but she backed away.

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