chapter eight// king's son

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Chapter eight//kings son

We were driving through oke-ilewo to coldstone creamery around six in the evening as we listened to Rock city fm in Korede's Porsche. We passed by halmod club and hotels and I started thinking of my lines to ditch him once its six-thirty or six-forty five.

The evening was beautiful in oke-ilewo as we sped across various establishments that lit the beautiful area. Hawkers still scampered around, hoping to sell the last bit of their goods before going on.

The drive and everything was rather weird and uncomfortable so I decided to place my attention on the popular 'chat with wonu' radio programme.

'It's still on the chat with wonu; yesterday a group of prostitutes murdered a rich chief in silicon club, and do you-'

"Hey I'm listening to that." Korede turned down the volume and looked outside, a small frown forming on his face. He had his right hand on the staring wheel and the other on the window of the car. I asked him to turn the air conditioning of so we could enjoy the fresh air rather than stuffing ourselves in the cold.

"All these stupid prostitutes, they just go about causing trouble." Where was this conversation going? Him that turns everything into a sex joke is now condemning prostitutes.

"So you never hired a prostitute before?" he scoffed as he gave me a what the heck? Look. He tapped gently on the staring wheel as he made driving look easy like sucking breast. He drove a little bit recklessly but in a good way to get the adrenaline rushing.

"Never. I may do it a lot but I have never ever had a runs girl in my bed before. They are disgusting social climbers that sell their bodies for money when there is a whole lot of job opportunities out there for them." Oh no, he didn't.

"Do you know why they even do it? Who are you to judge with your fancy cars and fancy apartment? Maybe if we I mean they were born with a silver spoon up their mouths, they'll do just as good or even better." Who was he to even make a comment? He is completely clueless living in his rich guy bubble.

Those he know how it feels to be poor and to be a sex worker? Nobody enjoys being pawed, poked, touched and invaded by disgusting men three times your age but whatever needs to be done must be done right? The distasteful sex is not even interesting. You feel everything, everything except desire or that feeling of being loved. Being touched by rough and scaly hands and waking up up to emptiness and a hollow feeling then this people would sit down and judge from their golden thrones.

"Those so called 'girls'" he said he girls with an air quote done by the left finger. "If they even deserve to be called that are stupid home wreckers that – you know what, no need to have this conversation. Except if you're a prostitute." He said with a laugh. He glanced at me but I kept my face straight hoping to betray no emotions.

"What no, why are you saying that?" I said sharply.

"Chill a little big, I'm just joking." We turned at the artistic oke-ilewo bridge and drove into coldstone Abeokuta. It's really crazy how coldstone jus came here since ages ago.

What's even crazier is the fact that the only restaurant people ever go to is sweet sensation at opic.

We got out of his black highlander and walked into the building. He opened the glass door that had the inscription 'pull' on it. So this one sef can be a gentleman, wawu. The place was packed and every single table was taken.

We stood in the long line at the order counter and waited for it to be our turn. Korede saw a man entering and went to greet him while I held our place in line. Some girls wearing crop tops that were too short stood in front of me, taking pictures of the ice cream and themselves. The craze was still there and everybody talked in loud voices, happy that they were finally remembered.

It got to my turn and I ordered chocolate. I couldn't wait to get all that chocolaty goodness in my mouth. "Any other toppings ma'am?" I really like crushed waffles and Oreo cookies to go with it but it wasn't my money so I had to choose wisely.

Speaking of money, I just bought ice cream and the person that is supposed to pay isn't even here. I flashed an awkward smile at the waiter as I waited for him to get back. Like he read my mind, he dived back into the line.

"Uncu what are all thiz you are doing now, don't you saw that I come on this place before you?" a fat woman with three tribal marks yelled when korede stepped beside me. Some teenagers burst into laughter as the woman eyed them.

"Madam, I'm with her." Korede said with a smile as he pointed to me. I also smiled but most of my attention was focused on the chocolate ice cream with soft delicious chocolate brownies with a sprinkle of chocolate chips.

"Nonentity persons, sha be fasted let me bought my isecream." She said with a hiss, korede and I just laughed and said okay.

I stepped aside as he got in my place in line. His eyes scanned the colorful display of ice cream like he was aiming for the prize. "I want the founders favorite in chocolate coated waffles then add some mars, I want baileys too with rainbow and chocolate sprinkles." I just stared at him in awe. With a body like that, one would think he was on a veggie diet.

Not that I've been staring at his body though.

"Sir that's an extra 250 for each topping." The server in a red coldstone apron informed him. He just nodded and handed him his GTbank card. He pressed his pin, the man handed us the receipt, I collected and we sat took a sit on two of the red bar stools by the window.

"You sure are a healthy eater." I said as soon as we sat down.

"I don't sweat it." He said with a smirk. "So what year are you? Or are you done?"

"final." I couldn't even eat my ice cream, the guilt was killing me. He was trying to help me and here I was lying.



"Oh okay."

"Anything wrong?"


We ate our ice cream in an awkward silence. I barely ate mine though, I just watched his arm muscles move swiftly between his cup and mouth. He wolfed the ice cream down in less than ten minutes and I had a feeling he was going for another large cup size.

"So you break up with me and the next thing is to be frolicking around with this piece of trash." Was the high pitched voice that broke our silence. I turned around and behold, Queen Leila in her tall, short black dress glory. Before I could even talk, she picked up my barely touched ice cream and dumped it on my head.

"Leila are you stupid, what the fuck is wrong with you?" korede said as he dragged her by the arm.

"This guy got me pregnant and cheated on me with this lady." She started faking tears when he held her arm

"Hey isn't he the king's son?" the man sitting next to us said.

"Anjola, let's leave." He said as he dragged me out of the place, his expression dark as night.

Kings son?

He literally pulled me out of the place almost removing my arm in the process. I smelt like chocolate and I seriously felt like crying for not eating m ice cream in time aside from the fact that I got dumped on the head in a public place. And instead of people to help, they will bring their phones out and take pictures.

"Hey what's that about being a kings son?"

He let go of my hand and looked at me straight in the eye. "Rule number one, mind your own business."


I finally decided on the ship name. It's #Anjode brought up by @kayla_fa

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