Chapter three// ass

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When you last left me, I figured I wasn't wearing any clothes and I was in a white room.

Now that we're all up to date, what I'm I doing naked in a strange room? Or maybe I'm in heaven. This should be heaven.

I died and I made heaven.

Shut up idiot! A small voice said in my head. You heaven? You're an ashawo, an olosho a d**k suckimg bitch or if you prefer the polished term, a hoe.

That's the thing about this voices. It's in your head, it's yours and it freaking contradicts you.

I take my surrounding in. Plain white walls that look like they've never been touched, The left corner had a magnificent black dresser with a mirror taped on the edges with gold.
A really tall curtain with gold fringes stayed side by side on the magnificent window.

The kind of window other windows want to be when they grow up.

I tried remembering what happened yesterday but the last thing I remember is me taking my last shot and then...then somebody touched me and I yelled at him.

Holy cow don't tell me I was kidnapped and I'm going to be turned into a sex slave. My kidnapper would be dominant and I'll be submissive, carrying his dark fantasies out.

"relax Anjola, you watch to much movies, you watch too much movies." I start chanting to myself and then the door bursts open. My first action as a woman is to cover my boobs.

This sick human being would probably have me walking around naked like his sex trophy buy still. It's not like anybody's going to look for me anyways.

Yeah, maybe this might not be that bad. Right?

"Do you always talk to yourself?" He says as he walks in in nothing but briefs. I can see the bulge coming from his sparkling white brief.

Oh wait, it's the guy from the club. My mind quickly painted a mental picture of the time we met and yes, it's him. The fact that I've met him before gave me a little confidence boost.

"Do you always walk around naked?" I say, barely maintaining eye contact.

"Baby, you're more naked than I am." He said placing emphasis on the baby and naked.

"Why I'm I Here? Did you rape me mister I don't do prostitutes?" for a short while, I could feel his eyes scanning my body so with instinct, I tighten the grip on my boobs.

That little pause gave me time to study him a bit too. His white underpants contrasted perfectly well with his dark, smooth skin.
He had his hands on his waist just before his V line leading to you know where.

He moved inside and sits on the bed, causing me to flinch a little bit. Outside Halmod club and hotels, my confidence with men just isn't there.

"Do you think I slept with you?" He replied knowing the intimidating effect he had on me. But I was raised in Saje man, we don't give up.

"Do you always answer questions with questions?" I say, giving him the straightest face I could ever think of.

He just laughs, plastering a smirk on his face.

"What's funny now?" I say feeling infuriated. He laughs again and drops the white peak milk nylon he was holding and stands up from the bed.

"Put on some clothes whiskey and stop yelling. You look ugly when you shout."

"Whiskey?" He just ignores me and continues walking away. "Also, bathroom is at the right corner, take a bath. You smell like your attitude."

"Stupid." Oh my goodness that was lame. He laughs again and winks before slamming the door behind him.

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