Chapter 21 : Births, redemptions, and happy endings.

Start from the beginning

"Why are you here Regina ? The man asked her. She smiled.

- You see Edmond, not a long time ago, I was at the same place as you are. I was just as you are now. Craving for revenge. Thinking I could mourn the person I lost just by trying to make the one who killed this person pay. Even if, in your case, you attacked the good culprit.

- He is the last one, the angry man muttered. Of the three of them, he is the last one of them, those who killed Mercedes, took everything from me, and put me into this horrible prison in which I stayed for fourteen damn years !"

Regina looked at the man sitting on the bed, in front of her. She folded her arms on her chest, and she gave him a sympathetic look.

And she raised an eyebrow, asking herself a question, wanting to know since how many time this story – the story of Edmond's revenge – was lasting.

"Tell me, Edmond, how old are you exactly ?

He grinned.

- I'm thirty-four years old, he whispered, and Regina started.

This man was clearly older than her, of course, but she would have thought, regarding to the way he looked, that he was much older than this, because yes, he was still really young.

Imprisonment clearly didn't spare him...

"You're that young ? She asked, surprised. Really ?

- Well, I was only eighteen when my fiancée died and when I was imprisoned, and it lasted for fourteen years. I began my quest for revenge two years ago.

- You were alone in prison for fourteen years ?

- No, I was not totally alone, I met a man when I was in the Château d'If. His name was Faria and he was an abbot. And the only friend I get for all these years, and I can even add that he may be the only real friend I ever had. He taught me a lot of things when we were imprisoned together. But he died. Just as Mercedes did. He had a sad and broken laugh. And now, they are both gone, and I am all alone, with my revenge being purchased, and... And now, I just have my anger and my hatred. Nothing else.

- It's false Edmond, you're not alone. I am here."

Edmond looked up, and looked at the former queen. It's just at this moment that he realized how much she changed since the last time he saw her. There was not anymore this light of anger mixed with sadness, hatred and will of revenge that he always saw in his own look.

Now, she seemed... happy.

"What happened to you ? I mean.... Did you succeed to revenge yourself ? And did it bring you the happiness you thought it would ? He had a quick and ironic laugh. I personally don't think it will give me any happiness, even if my fiancee and myself are now avenged and that I can stop this, this terrible and long quest. And now, I have no idea of what I am going to do...

- You know Edmond, your life is not over. And to answer to your question, people helped me. They saved me from myself, and made me save myself from the darkness inside of me. Now, you're free to begin another life, now that your enemies are now all punished. You can try something you never did before.

- And what is it ?

She smiled.

- Now, Edmond, you can move on."


The man gave her a sad smile.

"How could I ? I spent the last sixteen years planning this revenge, and now, it's over. What could I do now ? Where could I go ?

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