Ch.15-Come Get Me

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Beyoncé's P.O.V

I drove far and long away from that house, away from that woman, away from that miscarriage. All I wanted was to forget everything that happened these last two weeks and still have my baby.

I had come up with a few girl names, yeah we didn't know the gender yet but I didn't need any doctors to tell me it was a girl, something told me it was, I already knew.

Suddenly I drove up on a park with a playground, full of children and I stopped the car. I sat there with the engine off imagining what could have been my child playing with all the other kids having fun.

Letting a tear roll down my face, I slipped on my jacket, zipped it up, then got out of my car and sat on a bench in the park near the playground. I watched as the kids carelessly played ignoring the possible dangers of playing to ruff. Ignoring that one wrong slip or push could cause a child their life, ignoring that being brought into this world alone was a blessing, but what can I say they're kids, all fun and games until somebody gets hurt right?

Suddenly I felt the presence of a man sitting next to me, I didn't bother to look.

"Which one's yours?" he asked.

"....Up in heaven." I barley said above a whisper while subconsciously placing my hand on my stomach.

The man was silent, maybe thinking he had asked the wrong question, maybe wondering why I was here if didn't have a child. I looked over and saw a brown skinned guy with an apologetic look on his face.

"...I'm so sorry I didn't know."

"Don't say sorry it's not your fault, how could you have known?" I gave a slight friendly smile to the man.

He nodded feeling relieved.

"Which one is yours?" I asked sort of catching him off guard.

"Oh, that one right there."

He pointed to a little girl no older than four, she was my complexion and had two long curly braids with big brown eyes, she was adorable.

"That one is yours?" I said grinning because of how cute she is.

"She will be in about five minuets." he said looking at me seriously.

I got nervous, was this man for real?

Suddenly he bursted out laughing waving his hands as if he was joking.

"I'm just messin with you, yeah that's my baby girl, by the way my name is Darrel." He said extending his hand towards me. I took it shaking it.

"I'm Beyoncé."

"Lily! Come here for sec baby." he called grabbing the little girls attention.

She came running towards our direction throwing herself into her daddy's open arms grinning hard.

After a second of laughing with Darrel she turned towards me, looking me up and down.

"Who is she?" she asked her father still looking at me.

This girl might be a lot of things but I guarantee you shy ain't one of em.

"This is Miss.Beyoncé, say hi." he told his daughter.

"Hi Miss. Benoncé!" she adorably miss pronounced.

"I'm Lily, This my daddy." she said as if we hadn't met already.

"Well it's nice to meet you and your daddy Miss.Lily." I smiled at the little girl shaking her hand.

"Are you and my daddy boyfwien ah girlfwien?" she asked.

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