Ch. 23- Did you Lie?

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Dylan's P.O.V

"Who's that?"

All I could do was stare at the phone reading the words on the screen. A lump in my throat kept me from speaking, and I blinked away the tears that threatened to fall from my eyes.

Auntie: your mom isn't doing too well sweetie, I'm so sorry but you're going to have to stay with your dad for the weekend I'm up here with your mom. They said you can come see her on Sunday. I love you, please respond when you get this.

Dylan: Yeah that's cool, love you too.

"Umm, my mom is-is getting worse and I have to stay with... I- have to stay with my" I couldn't get them out, I was choking on my words suffocating on tears realizing where I have to stay this weekend.

"No you don't, Dylan you will stay with me this weekend."

"You can't-"

"I don't care, baby you are not safe at all over there. You are staying with me."

I just nodded as I tried to contain and control my crying. Why is Ms.Bey so nice to me? I still don't understand how people can be so nice and others can be so terrible, it just makes no sense at all.

Suddenly she took my hand in hers holding it as she drove.
We pulled to a large house, and the car engine cut off.

Ms. Bey turned and looked at me.

"We're here, this is my home. And right now it's yours too, you can stay here as long as you need."

Unsure of what to really say I just nodded my head.

She got out of the car and I followed behind her.

We walked to the front door and I waited behind her as she opened it.

It was a beautiful house, I looked around the place as I followed her through the foyer into the living room.

Beyoncé sat on the couch and motioned me over to sit next to her so I did.

She looked into me, and the look in her eyes, something about them seemed so warm and familiar, so motherly like... She reminded me of my mother. I couldn't help the tears that came to my eyes thinking about her.

And when Ms. Bey noticed pulling me into a tight hug, it hit me even harder. My head resting on her chest and her warm hand rubbing my back felt all too surreal as I cried uncontrollably.

I was only calmed when her other hand rested against my head running her finger through my hair and she gently shushed me lightly rocking back and forth like I was one big baby, and that's exactly how I felt, like a baby. But it was ok, because it felt like I was a baby in their mothers arms for the first time in a very long time. And I missed it.

Apparently I'd fallen asleep.

I sat up on the couch looking around as it was now evening. The kitchen light was on and I heard something cooking.

I got up from the couch walking that way, but quickly I stopped short as I heard her voice talking to someone.

"No, she's sleep right now, I feel like she hasn't slept well in a while and I don't want to wake her. Yes, we are currently at my house right now I'm felt I should call you and tell you what's going on thank you for understanding everything."

Who is she talking to?... About me.

Suddenly she was now face to face with me startled by my presence.

"Dylan." she said.

"You heard that didn't you?" she asked pointing to the phone.

I considered lying...but what would be the point in that.

"Not all of it, just the end...who were you talking too?"

She bit her lip almost looking nervous.

"I called your aunt and told her everything that's been going on-"

"You called my aunt!"

"Dylan I had to I'm sorry, it's not safe keeping your aunt in the dark about this and she blindly allows you to go over there."

" Oh my god if this gets back to her he's going to kill me... I know she's going to deny all of it and he will believe her and come for me." I panicked remembering the last time I tried to tell my father the things my step mom would say to me. Tears returned to my eyes and a migraine swelled in my head at the thought.

"Dylan?" I heard her soft voice.

Looking up, her face was covered in fear as she slowly moved towards me.

"What do you mean he's going to come for you?" she questioned.

I looked down hesitating before decidedly I turned around. Pulling up my shirt slightly I revealed the belt thrashes that remained scaring my skin.

I heard a loud gasp.

Then I felt her hand take a hold of my shirt as she raised it higher seeing how high up my back they went.

"How far down your back do these go." she panicked.

I remained silent.

"Dylan please I need you to answer me."

"My thighs." I eventually forced out.

My shirt fell back in place as I heard her walking away from me. I turned following her into the kitchen as she went for her phone.

"Who are you calling?"

"The police."

"No!" quickly I snatched the phone from her hands and she starred at me in disbelief.

"Ms. Bey please don't call the police! They're going to question everything that's going on with both of my families and I'll have to stay in the system until the case is over please don't do that to me." I pleaded as I cried.

"Dylan I'm sorry but I have to call them this is not ok-"

"Please! I'm begging you please don't call them I will never get to see my mother again."

She looked at me for a long time as tears fell from her eyes too.

" this isn't right you don't deserve to get beaten over something she did say-"

"I lied." I cut her off.

"That time I did lie she never said anything."

"Dylan she sat there and admitted to me what she said-"

"She said it after I lied on her. After he beat me that's why she said it..."

I looked down to my feet not wanting to see the expression on her face.

She took the phone from me simply putting it on the counter.

Suddenly grabbed my hands holding them.

"Dylan is this the truth?"

I still refused to look at her.

"Please answer me..."

I contemplated nodding lying again, but I ultimately shook my head.

"Why are you lying to me for her?" she questioned.

"I'm scared. I don't know what he's going to do to me if the police find out-"

"Brooklyn I promise you if they do he won't be able to get to you. Not over my dead body. I promise you that on everything."

For some reason I didn't want my father to get in trouble. I had every right to hate him for what he did but I don't. Even if I don't see him again I don't want him to go to jail. I don't want him to be mad at me. I just wish he would go back to loving me and stop listening to every single thing she says...
I apologize it's a pretty short update. But now you know a little more of what's going on with Dylan. I will make up for it in the next chapter, things are about to get veeeerrrryyy complicated. But I hope you all enjoyed this much over due update (which I apologize for) and be ready for the next one. Love you guys!

So wrong yet right {Completed}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora