LEMONADE (coming soon)

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Lemonade coming later this summer.

This is a rendition breaking down LEMONADE through a story. Specifics detailing Beyoncé's relationship are NOT true depictions of what is going on with them (I do not know, nor do I wish to know it's not my personal business). It is simply a story line I've created to deliver my enterpritation of her message. If you find offense in this, or disagree with anything, please remember it is simply what I just said, my interpretation of her message, nothing else. Lemonade is viewed many different ways by many different people, this is how I view it. Each chapter will coincide with said track on the album detailing the meaning behind it. Lemonade, coming this summer.
Im releasing another story soon guys! Called LEMONADE as you just read above. I plan on finishing all of my current works in the sooner coming of this summer and then bringing this new story to you all. Also stay on the alert for possible sequels to some of my other books. Thank you guys for supporting me like yall do you guys are so amazing I love all of you!

(Regular update of this story coming later TODAY.)

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