ch.28- Twins

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Beyoncé's P.O.V

"Yes Kelly, she had THE fattest ass. Talking bout some 'I bet he got a big dick'."

I sat in my classroom on the phone with Kelly waiting for my sub to show.

"I don't care if she denied it that hard Kel, I know she wants to fuck him, maybe she just didn't say something because she could probably tell I knew him some how."

"Yeah because you went into crazy bitch mode with her that's how she could tell." she laughed through the phone.

"Look Bey, you need to relax this chick could be harmless. As far as we know, she could just be a cute chick with a fat ass, thick accent and sense of humor. Nothing more to it. You could be right though, buuut I'm not sayin' be Ms. Investigative crazy bitch. We don't need nobody trynna make a lifetime movie about you."

I laughed with her at that comment.

"Yeah... I guess you're right Kelly I do need to calm down she's been here for what one day? Wow I do seem crazy."

"It's ok girl, all woman go though it. Just lay low till she give you a reason to whoop that ass."

"Ha! You right! Ion know if I'd win that one though, might end up gettin' my ass whooped. I've only fought one person and I'm not even quite sure if I technically won that one-"

"Well we are going to say you did, you laid that bitch some new tracks how bout that."

"Kelly you are Crazy."

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

"Girl I gotta go, my sub is here then I'm finna head to the doctors like I told you. I'll call you later, love you."

"Aight love you too bad bitch Bey."

I chuckled shaking my head as I hung up the phone.

I got the door for my sub letting her in my class. Quickly I went over my lesson plan for her and told her not to accept any work from students. I don't eeevvvven want to get anywhere near 'the sub lost my homework' excuse. It's usually true, and I end up having angry parents in my email and I have to search for that shit, not the sub.

She came during my lunch so there wasn't much left in the day, everything seemed fair and easy enough so if she fucks anything up...oh well, I have a doctor to go see.

"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Carter, so you haven't been to the doctors in a minute for a check up or anything, and you said you feel like something might be wrong with you?" the woman questioned reading the clipboard.

I nodded nervous biting my lip.

"So tell me what's going on." she said putting down the clipboard.

"Well, I've been throwing up allot lately. I've been getting migraines often and feel a whole lot more tired and sluggish then what I used too-"

"Do you have to pee allot?"

"Yeah." I nodded a little nervous yet relieved she was recognizing my symptoms.

"Ok continue."

"My breasts, I thought they got a little bigger I don't really know though, and they are really tender-"

"Do you sometimes have a discharge from your nipple?" I sighed nodding becoming increasingly nervous.

"I didn't wanna say anything about it because, well I didn't know what the hell it was."

I just pray the words "cancer" don't come from her mouth.

"It's ok. Are you gaining any weight?" she asked.

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