Ch.11-They Don't Know

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Beyoncé's P.O.V

It's been four weeks since I found out I am pregnant and it's not getting any easier, the nausea has increased I can't stop eating and my emotions have been thrown out of whack, worst of all, I still haven't told anybody. I don't know how or who to tell.

If I tell Shawn that can possibly mess up him wanting to be with me, and I need him.... He's all I really want.

If I tell Solo all she's gonna say is I told you so and go tell mama.

If I tell mama I'm pregnant and that it's Shawn's child, she's going to slut shame me and tell me I'll be bringing a bastard baby into this world.

What am I suppose to do? I can't have a child I'm defiantly not ready for that responsibility. What happens if this baby gets here and I can't take care of it, or I have nobody to support me, I can't raise a child on my own, how can I do that if I'm not even capable of emotionally supporting myself?

My thoughts were interrupted as a sharp pain shot threw my lower stomach, I'll be sure when I do tell Solange I'm pregnant to ask her if she had pains in her stomach like I was having now.

"BEEYYY!!! open up!!!" I heard a banging on my front door, oh how convenient, Solange.

After the pain subsided, I opened the door not realizing how dressed down I was until Solange reacted to it.

"Oh my gawd! Bey... when did you wake up?"

"Maybe twenty minuets ago..." I said groggy still heavily affected by morning sickness.

"Beyoncé it's four in the afternoon, why we're you sleep all day and avoidin my calls and stuff."

"What calls?" I legitimately asked.

"Oh so we playin that game now?"

"Solo I'm serious I didn't get any calls."

"Go check your phone..."

I walked to my room and Solange followed me shutting the front door behind her. Looking at the lit screen on my nightstand, it read six missed calls from 'Baby Sis💞💖💜'

"I'm so sorry Solange I was knocked out I never heard a single ring."

"And you never checked your phone?"

"Honestly my phone has been sittin in that same spot unbothered for the past two days." I sighed throwing myself onto my bed.

"What's wrong with you?" Solange asked sounding a little worried sitting besides me.

"Nothing just got a lot on my mind." I blankly starred into the ceiling.

"Talk, you've got no where to be and I'm off today so I got time to listen."

"Solange I don't even know where to begin with this."

I had a lot weighing on my mind, in the last four weeks. My dad got arrested for domestic abuse, he had been beating and threatening my mother and nephew, my mother for apparently six months and my nephew for the month he's been with them. I've made no effort to contact my mom. Lauren's crazy ass is trying to sew me for whooping her ass in MY house. My cousin Angie called me basically saying how I disgraced my family and almost put mamma in the hospital behind stress and that if I can't get my shit together don't bother coming back because they don't need 'the devils influence' in that house.

Solange is very close to my cousin Angie, so if I tell her I'm pregnant and she doesn't tell my mom, she'll tell Angie who will tell my mom and then turn around and jump up my ass about it.

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