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Beyoncé's P.O.V

(4 years later)

"Mama, can Ayanna play wit' me?"

"You need to ask auntie Nicki Malia."

She turned to Nicki with her big brown eyes.

"Of course baby, Ayanna go play." and quickly the two ran off hand and hand, they are the cutest friends.

We sat in the backyard of my house on the porch.

We were having a big family BBQ.

My mom was here, so was Kelly, Angie, mama Gloria, Ashley, Michelle, Shawn's sisters and a whole bunch of our cousins.

Nicki had even brought a guest of her own. The man responsible for Ayanna. Nicki's daughter. Her and Malia are only three months apart.

It took a long time for him and Nicki to get back on speaking terms. Nicki really is a piece of work, but that man really does love her. He's been working his ass off for her for four straight years now, ever since their daughter Ayanna was born actually. When I first met him I wasn't too fond of him just knowing how he did Nicki wrong, but he really has matured into a man. Now we are waiting for Nicki to see the same thing. It'll happen soon, she's cracking slowly.

I always tell Nicki she needs to listen to the advice she gives some of her patients. She's now a child therapist, she officially became one a few years back coming out from under Carter's wing and is actually pretty successful now.

Carter is still into child therapy as well, but he focuses more on troubled kids from bad backgrounds. I learned he had a rough upbringing as a kid as well and he connects to them easier because they can relate.

As for me, I'm still teaching at Goldman, but now I teach English four. I'm really considering moving into administration pretty soon.

I looked over at Kelly, with her husband. They are such a beautiful little family, and they're expecting their first baby now, a little boy. She's just starting to show, her little belly is adorable. I was happy to finally see her doing well. She got into a really ugly relationship before Tim. The man left her in a pretty dark place, and I truly was scared for my sister. But Tim came along, and he was her blessing, the angel that she needed to move forward.

My mom sat talking with Ms. Gloria. They were laughing it up having a good ol' time. It was nice seeing my mom have fun with someone she considered a friend.

My daddy passed away a year ago and when it happened she didn't take it well. I always worried about her being alone, and I eventually convinced her to move up here to NewYork with us. She seemed a little happier to be around family but I knew his death was taking a toll on her. This recent year she's been allot better. Especially because of mama Gloria, they are just about best friends. They were even considering opening some sort of business together. They actually still are talking about it, I'm just curious the see how all of that goes.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked up.

"Can brianna pleeease spend the night, I promise we won't be loud like last time."

"That's fine with me Dylan, but yall wake me up and I'm beating both yall's asses." I warned her and her friend.

Dylan winked at me before her and her friend walked away to the rest of Dylan's cousins.

Brianna is Dylan's best friend, and they are notorious for being loud as hell laughing and talking shit at all hours of the night waking us up. But bria is like a sister to Dylan, they do everything together. Hell she's with us half the time when they first became friends it felt like I adopted another child.

I looked on at Dylan lightly smiling as she talked and laughed with her cousins. She really did mature into an intelligent, beautiful young woman. I still can't believe she's really going off to college in a few months. She really has been through some crazy things these couple years, but I'm proud of my baby. I'm proud to call Dylan my daughter.

"SJ! What the hell! Who gave this to you?" I quickly stopped my son who was running around with a lighter in his hand, and took it from him.

"Juju did." he spoke quickly pointing in his direction.

"Daniel come here." I called.

He walked over all high and mighty. This little eight year old was really full of himself.

"Yeah ma?"

"You give this to your brother?" I questioned eying him holding up the lighter.

His eyes got wide as he held up his hands in defense.

"I swear I didn't, I don't know where he got that from." he shook his head, I could tell he wasn't lying.

"Ok, you can go." he went back over to his cousins.

Now I crossed my arms eying my youngest son.

"Shawn Corey Jr. Why did you lie to me?" I asked in a stern voice.

He shrugged his shoulders looking down.

"Well until you can figure it out you can sit next to me, no more playing."

He pouted before climbing into the chair next to me.

"Your daddy is going to talk to you later."

"Noooo!" he started whining and kicking.

I popped him on the leg.

"Stop all this crying before I give you something to cry about."

He poked out his little lip mad, but sure did stop whining.

Chances were I wasn't going to tell Carter, who was the bad cop in our style of parenting, but it's always good keeping them in check with a little bit of fear.

I heard Nicki snickering.

"What's so funny?" I turned to her.

"Seeing you try to act tough, that baby ain't scared of you he just don't want his daddy to come over." she laughed.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well I can tell you he's scared of me when I whoop his ass." I smiled at her, and we both laughed.

I got a text from Solange telling me to say hi to the family.

Solo and I had eventually made up, but it was clear things just weren't the same between us. This is usually what she does, avoid family events. We've all learned to accept her distance.

But we never let her ruin the family atmosphere. And like now we still have a great time.

I looked up and saw Denise coming outside from the house.

I immediately got up to greet her.

"Hey Denise, how are you doing sweetie?" I hugged her.

"Good, thanks for having me."

"You know it's never a problem." I spoke before she walked off to speak to her father on the grill, my husband.

Denise is Shawn's oldest daughter who kind of caught us all by surprise, including him. But that's a long story for a different day.

The evening went well just like any of our other barbecues. We danced to music, ate good food, the kids played games and the adults drank and played cards.

I couldn't explain it as anything else besides a perfect day. Despite if there is or was any family drama, we always manage to set it aside and have a great time.
How do you feel about a book two?😀

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