Chapter Thirty Nine: Consequences

Start from the beginning

"It's not that- haha, I don't it's just, oh my," still not being able to stop my laughs, I roll off Kakashi and lay next to him on the ground. "The look you had was so serious. It wasn't 'oh my the copy ninja', it was just so cute! Your like a little dog when they see a bone on a table ten times their height, and still they get all determined saying 'ima get it, ima get it, ima get it.'" Closing my eyes, I feel them crinkle at the edges, as I hold my stomach from the laughter. Feeling Kakashi's hands wrap on both sides of my hip, he pulls me towards him.

"You really are something," he mumbled as I felt his lips place butterfly kisses down my neck. My laughter slowly slowing down, I move my hands to Kakashi's head as I let fingers entangle in his smooth hair.

"I know, I'm pretty hot stuff," I mumble back light heartily as Kakashi's lips continue to move down my neck. Kakashi reaching up one of his hands unbuttons the top of my shirt, and reveals my collar bone.

"If anyone ever gets this far on you besides me, they'll know your mine," Kakashi mumbled, as his lips latched onto my collar bone. His teeth nibbling on skin, I feel electricity run through my body as he continues to leave his mark.

"K-Kakashi," I whisper out as I give little tugs on his locks of hair. With a popping noise, he removes his mouth from my skin.

"My girl," Kakashi whispered huskily as he moved his lips back to mine. Hearing three knocks on the door, me and Kakashi separate our lips.

"Hey Kakashi sensei, is (y/n) in there? She's suppose to heal me after dinner." Sasuke mumbled as he slowly slid the screen open. Panicking coursing through my body, I quickly button up my shirt and through Kakashi on the ground. Kakashi also moving, pulls up his mask, swiftly, I pull out my hands and immediately flow chakra through them. Sasuke walking in on us, looks at us both and sighs annoyingly before sitting down next to me. "Are you done with healing him yet? I have to sleep for tomorrow morning so I'm ready to bodyguard for Tazuna." Moving my hands from Kakashi, I look at Sasuke and give a little smile and nod.

"Of course, I just have to make sure Kakashi Sensei was all good to. Considering he was on crutches the entire time we've been here." Looking down at Kakashi, I shoot him a evil smile. "I guess that's just something that happens when you over do it. Right Sensei?"

A blush forming on his cheeks from embarrassment, he looks to Sasuke, "I'm all good. I'll be changing now, so if you don't mind- get out." His voice going from embarrassment to annoyance, he leans up, placing his upper body on his hands.

My eyebrows raising I widen my eyes and look at him, "you can change from the bottom down while I heal Sasuke. I still need to change those bandages on the top, I know you may not need it, but I think it's a good precaution." Turning my head towards Sasuke, I place my hand on his shoulder, "let's go sit outside and look at the water as I heal you. Hearing the waves and looking out should be a good meditation as I heal you." Sasuke nodding, stands up and offers me a hand down, taking it I pull myself to my feet.

"Let's go then," Sasuke mumbled as he lead the way to the door and walked out to the dock connected to Tazuna's house. Following his lead, I turn and give Kakashi a smile as I closed his door. Spinning back around, I move to the docking area were Sasuke sat, dangling his legs over the edge. Sitting down next to him, I pat his shoulder to grab his attention.

"It'll be easier if you take off your shirt, that way I can see if you have any cuts that I might not pick up on. I'm used to doing major things when it comes to healing, so I might just bypass the trivial. And I don't want to do that, so off with the shirt I say!" Lifting my hand up off his shoulder, I move both my hands in a upward motion to represent his shirt being off.
Sasuke sighing at my perkiness, lifts his right arm and pulls at the back off his shirt, taking it off completely. Smiling I move to sit behind him, looking down I find many small cuts around his body.

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