Reading that part most certainly brought a blush to Virgil's face, but he ignored that and continued to read.

It is strange how I feel for you, I had not accounted for this to happen. Yet I cannot say I really mind it. I find myself daydreaming of what it would be like to kiss you, or just simply hold your hand or hug you. You make me feel in a way that I never thought I would. The intensity of these feelings scare me, they do.

I am aware that the chance that you feel the same way about me is small (infinitesimal one might say), but I simply had to tell you. As I said, it scares me, all of this. But how could it not? I am unfamiliar with how to deal with feelings like the ones I hold for you, and I am of course scared of rejection.

Virgil did have to point out that he was wrong about that, he certainly felt similarly about Logan. He had for far too long.

I have to admit that writing this letter and giving it to you is one of the most frightening things I've ever done, but if you are reading this then my frustration must have won over my fear. It is one of the hardest things I have ever had to write. You have no idea how many times I have ripped the paper apart and started writing on a new sheet. But I had to tell you, I am awfully tired of keeping this to myself and if I'd continued to keep silent about my feelings I fear that I would have gone insane.

If you do feel similarly towards me then I would be glad if you informed me of that. I am in my room, if you would like to speak to me. I assure you that this letter is truthful, I meant every sentence, every word. This is not in any way meant to make you feel bad, or force you to tell me how you feel about me, I merely needed to inform you of my attraction towards you. I apologize if I have in any way caused you to feel uncomfortable or anxious, it was not my meaning to do so, I just had to get this off of my chest.

With love, Logan

Virgil sat and just looked at the letter he held in his hands. He reread it several times before fully comprehending what it said. It was from Logan, that was clear. And Logan was saying that he loved him.

It felt like a thing that was far too good to be true, but Logan had said that it was the truth. And Virgil, despite of course feeling a slight worry, did not think Logan was the kind of person to joke about something like this. With his heart hammering in his chest he reopened the door to his room, so determined to find Logan that he did not even bother to close the door behind him.

Nervously knocking on Logan's door, glancing down at the words at the paper now and then to reassure himself that he had indeed read it right (another way his anxiety played tricks on him, he could never really believe that something good was real, and he continuously doubted the information he thought he knew).

It did not take Logan many seconds to open the door, he must've been waiting for Virgil to come. Logan looked nervous, afraid even, and there was a hint of pink creeping over his face when he saw Virgil.

"Hi." Virgil breathed, slightly out of breath from making his way to Logan's room so quick, and Virgil didn't really know what to say now when he really should say something.

"Hello." Logan said, doing a good job at hiding the nervous tone in his voice, but the way his eyes looked at him showed his exact feelings.

"I read your letter, a few times actually, and I- I... I am very happy that you feel this way about me, because I love you too." Virgil said, still holding the letter securely in his hand. It was extremely brave of Logan to write such a letter and then give it to him, Virgil never would've dared to do that. Logan blinked in surprise, and then visibly relaxed at his words.

"That is wonderful news." He said, a soft smile appearing on his face. Virgil decided that it was his turn to be brave, and he leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to Logan's lips.

Before either of them had the chance to do anything else they were interrupted by Patton and Roman, they could hear them coming towards where they stood in Logan's doorway. Virgil and Logan immediately took a step back from each other, so that they weren't standing so suspiciously close together, and Virgil hid the letter in his pocket.

The both of them seemed to silently agree on waiting before telling the others about their feelings for each other. It was new, and it was theirs, and they wanted to figure it out without the pressure of others. Patton and Roman chatted about something and told them to come with to the living room.

Virgil could hear them mention 'fort' and 'Disney' so he supposed they had built a fort out of blankets and we're planning on having a movie marathon. Logan and Virgil weren't allowed to miss out on that, according to the two talkative and excited traits. They didn't want to argue about that, so they came with, sitting next to each other while the film started.

And if they shared a blanket, as a reason to be able to sit close together, and discreetly hold hands underneath it, well, that's their business.


Written: 19th June 2018
Published: 7th August 2018
Words: 1738

Hi, I've had this idea almost since the dawn of time (the start of this book) I've just never written it

Did you know I have two fanfics I started writing in february that still aren't done? I just never write on them and don't know how to continue.

But I don't wanna delete them.

uh, hope you liked this

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