after about 2 minutes of starring at him, i caught his attention. he looked at me with a mouth full of corn and said "what?"

i chuckled and i said "i just think you so cute when you eat."

he gave me a cheezy smile, making sure i saw the corn between his teeth.

 i then began to eat my baked potato...but this time i used my fingers. when i went on dates i'd usually ate like a gentleman...but today i got to eat like i guess? i dont know but it just felt great to not be worried.

"so" i said "tell me when you first knew you liked me"

that must have hit him hard because for the first time, he put down his fork and talked. i was so shocked i cut him off and said "holy shit you stopped eating"

Niall looked at e as if i had three heads and continued to talk. "well...i knew i was gay sence i was in the 3rd grade so when i first met you...i already knew i was gay. i remember when we were put in the group on x-factor when i started to develop feelings for you. but the real moment i fell in love with you is when we sang 'kids of america'."

i chuckled and said "the first time i fell in love with you is when you did that irish jig on that TV show"

it was true. it was the first time i thought of Niall as more then a friend.

 Nialls pov:

 our lunch was great. the waitress didnt charge us because i was there favorite customer...which was a extra bonus. as we left the store there were tons of paparazzi outside of the store. i tooks Zayns hand and ignored the flashes and the questions.

 then i remembered, the book signing. 

"Zayn!" i yelled, making him jump.

"what time is it?!" he looked at me and knew exactly why i was worried.

he whipped out his phone and said, with a nervous face, "4:45"

  and with that the both of us ran. the mall was five blocks away...we could have walked but we knew we had to be their earlier.

i saw the paparazzi run behind us, filming us running. i looked at Zayn who looked at me while we were running. he smiled at me and grabbed my hand, somehow making me run faster. 

my chest was tight from running so fast and i was running out of air.

after about two minutes we made it to the mall. we both stopped and gasped for air.

Zayn said, in between breaths "that-was-the-most-i-ever-ran-in-my-life"

when we caught our breath we walked inside.

we saw the boys sitting down, Louis talking to harry, and Liam passing the floor. the door opened with a loud creak, gaining Liams attention.  he gave me an evil glare.

 as we walked up to the both, liam went off.

"you were so post to be here TEN minutes ago? where were you huh? oh i know where you were in Nandos being a fag!" as the words slipped his mouth, i could tell liam regreted them. the word stung not only Zayn...but me as well.

Zayn walked up to Liam so he was face to face with him and said "what the fuck did you just call me?"

i grabbed Zayns arm, gaining his attention, and said "babe, it was a mistake. let it go"

Zayns tension decreased with my touch, 

"Zayn, im sure he didnt mean it he just got a little carried away"

Liam then said "im so sorry Zayn, i was just really angry. i-"

Zayn cut him off, at first he was loud but then his words gently calmed down. "just dont....just dont call me that again."

me and Zayn took our seats. Zayn was the first one at the table, then me, Liam, Louis, and Harry.

i leaned over to Liam and said, "try not to lose your cool again. i know it wasnt your fault but Zayn has been through alot the past couple of days."

the fans started to walk to us with there books.

"like what?" Liam said, while signing a book.

"well...his mom disowned him."

Liam looked at me as if his mom just died. all he could say was "poor Zayn."

i didnt relize that a girl with blond hair stood in front of me, waiting,

when she got my attention she said "hi! oh my god i think you and Zayn are just so you   mind signing my flag?"

she held out a rainbow flag, and i did as she said. 

im sure that i'd have to sign even more weirder things today


so yeah i just realized that i havent did an authors note for a while. thanks for all of you who told me to continue with the story and please help me spread this book around :)

If I'm Louder.  [a Ziall romance.] (EDTINGING IN PROGRESS)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant