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place: The Carter House
Time: 12:00 p.m
Date: August 21st 2006

"Aaliyah Jenae Carter, if you don't bring your little butt down these steps!" I yelled while leaning on the couch. I looked at my watch. We were about to be late.

"I'm coming! Jeeze"

She stood at the top of the steps and then started running down at full speed.

"What did I tell you about running in the house." Shawn said from the kitchen.

"Sorry daddy" she walked over to me and threw her little head back. "Hi mommy" I bent down and gave her a kiss. As I started to reach for my purse, she placed her hands on the top of the carseat. "Hi Mariah." She said sweetly kissing her sister before taking her spit rag and wiping up her constant slobber. "You drool a lot you know that? I mean it's like you never stops."

"And you talk a lot you know that. It's like you never stop. You just keep going on and on." Shawn said walking in.

I shook my head. "And I wonder where she gets it from?"

"I'm sorry, are you implying that I talk a lot?"

"Uhh let me think about that...hmmm...yep!"

"I never liked you. I should've married someone else"

Aaliyah wiped Mariah's mouth again. "One of these days you're gonna regret saying that daddy. Be careful what you wish for. I wanted an older sister and I got stuck with this broken baby that cries and drools all the time!"

"She's right you know. Except for the part about the broken baby." I said back.

" Yeah, yeah, yeah, can I have my child now?"

"To go where?"

"I was gonna take her by the office and then to the mall."

"You're not taking my babies anywhere. Neither one of them. The last time there was a phone number stuffed in Mariah's diaper bag."

"I wasn't gonna call it baby I swear! I meant to throw it away. She must have slipped it in there when I wasn't looking!"

I laughed and picked up the car seat. "I know Shawn. But I gotta go alright"

"Okay" he leaned down and kissed Aaliyah on the forehead."Be good miss lady. I know how you get sometimes."

"Yes daddy" he kissed Mariah's cheek and then kissed me on the lips.

"I love you" he said softly.

"I love you too" I kissed him again and then we left out of the house.
place: Amhurst Rehabilitation Center
Time: 1:00 p.m

"It's okay to say hello Aaliyah. I'm right here, you don't have to be scared." A voice said in front of us.

She looked at me and then back towards the table.
"Hi mommy" she said slowly.

Candace looked down at her daughter and smiled weakly.  I've missed you Aaliyah."

"I was here last week"

She nodded. "True. But everytime you leave, the more I miss you. Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

"Oh...thank you. I think" she looked up at me as I continued to rock Mariah in my arms.

"So how is school?" Candace asked.


"You have a boyfriend yet?"

Aaliyah stared at her blankly. "I'm 7"

Candace laughed. "I'm sorry. You look so much older. You have no idea how fast you grew up. I can't believe it's been so long. I still remember the day you were born."

"Do you remember the day you left me too?"

"Aaliyah" I said looking up.

She shrugged. "Sorry" she looked over at the vending machine. "Can I go get a bottle of water?"

I nodded and switched the baby in my arms and sat her up as Aaliyah walked away.

"She's beautiful Beyonce"

I smiled. "Thank you"

"What's her name?"

"Mariah Nicole Carter and to answer your next question she's 11 months."

She looked down at the baby and then at my wedding ring. "So you and Shawn finally tied the knot huh?"

"Yeah. It's been two years, and you asked me that last week."

"I'm sorry, the medication they have me on makes me forget a lot of things."

"I wish I could understand what you're going through, but I don't. And I'm not sure if I want to. I'm not gonna judge you, but that doesn't make what you did right. I wasn't trying to take Aaliyah away from you. You didn't have to turn to drugs."

"I should have realized that four years ago. I wouldn't be here if I did. But at least I'm trying to get better."

"I can give you credit"

"Most women wouldn't give me the chance to see my daughter after all I've done. But you're different. I can see why Shawn loves you so much."

"Like I said before, I'm not trying to take her away from you. We are two different people. Technically we are both her mothers. You gave her life. And I'm vowing to protect it and raise her to be a respectful, intellegent, independent young lady."

"You are a good mother. Better than I will ever be."

I shrugged. "Thank you, but you shouldn't beat yourself up over not being there. One day the two of you can sit down and talk. Maybe she'll understand when she's older. Just not now"

"I hope so"

Aaliyah came walking back over to the table with a half empty bottle. I looked down at her. "Ready to go miss lady?"

She looked over at Candace. "Yes"

I stood up and grabbed the carseat in one hand and placed the diaper bag over my shoulder. "Well Candace, we better get going. Say goodbye Aaliyah"

She waved goodbye and walked away with the baby's bottle in her hand.

"Maybe one day when she's older" I said again before walking behind her. We went and got in the car. And we sat there for a second. I looked in the rearview mirror past the baby, to Liyah.

"You okay back there?"

She put her seatbelt on. "Yeah...I was just thinking about something. It's not important."

"You sure?"

"Yes" she said nodding. "I'll be alright mommy. We can go home now."

"How about we go get some ice cream first, and then go home?"

"Sounds good to me!"

"Alright then miss lady, ice cream it is and then we'll go home and watch a movie. You and me. No daddy. And no Mariah, deal?"

She smiled even bigger. She loved spending time with just me. Even if it was watching a simple movie.


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