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place: Shawn's apartment
time: 11:23 am
date: August 31st 2001

"Hurry up Aaliyah, Roy's here!"

Aaliyah came running from her room with her bookbag full of who know's what. She gave him a hug and looked up at him with a devilish grin.

"We're gonna have a fun time, aren't we Uncle Roy"

"Man I swear you raising a demon child Shawn."

"No time for chit chat, let's go to the movies now." She said grabbing his hand. I patted his back.

"Have fun."

"Woah, woah, woah, what exactly are you going to be doing while we're gone?"

"Mind your business Roy, and take care of my daughter."

"No need to worry, just tell her not to try anything while we're out."

"Aaliyah is a little angel, how much damage could she do?"

"You'll never know."

He grabbed her up and they walked out the door. I smiled before walking back into my room.

* * *

I heard a knock on the front door. I walked from the bathroom and went to open the door.

"Hey Shawn." Beyonce said.

I pulled her into a hug, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Well I missed you too." She said pulling away from me, but I pulled her closer.

"Naw I ain't letting you go." I said burying my face in her neck. She laughed and I let her go. "I'm just playing, you look nice."

She looked down and then back up at me with a raised eyebrow. "But I-"

"Look I ain't good at this whole thing okay. I've been a father for 2 years what do you expect?"

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Don't worry, at least you're trying."

"Well since I'm trying so hard, do you think that I could maybe..." she cut me off with a deep kiss on the lips. After a while she pulled away. I smiled. "Yeah I was hoping you'd do that."

"Wish granted." She removed her arms from around my neck.

"So you wanna see the rest of the house or you wanna watch t.v?"

"Can I see the house?"

I leaned down and kissed her forehead. "You can see anything you want with a face like that."

* * *

"And this is my daughter's room." I said opening the door, and stepping aside so she could walk in. She stepped in and looked around a little.

"Wow this is amazing, you did this yourself?"

I leaned up against my door and shook my head "Nah, I had my mom help me out. I don't know why she has two beds."

"Yeah but it still looks good though."

"I coulda did better. I promised her that one of these days when I buy a house I'd hand draw her pictures to hang on her walls. Other than the one hanging over her bed."

"Oh you can draw." She noticed.

"A little bit, I mean nothing special."

"Must be if you're offering to hang it on your daughter's walls."

"If you look at it that way..." I took her hand. "C'mon, I want you to meet someone."

"Who?" I smirked and lifted her off the ground and carried her into my room. Before she could scream I gently placed her on my bed.

"Beyonce meet bed, bed meet Beyonce." I said laying my head on her stomach.

She pushed me away. "It's something wrong with you" she laughed.

"Yeah I know." I pushed up on the bed and gave her a quick kiss and pulled her into my arms. "You like it though, and don't try to deny it kuz if you didn't you wouldn't be in my arms right now."

She rolled over and laid her head on my chest. "Good point."

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