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place: Dixon Grove Park
Time: 3: 24 p.m
Date: December 27th 2001

"So are you gonna tell me what's wrong now?" I looked over to my right at Kelly and shook my head "Why not" she whined.

I shrugged. "I can't tell you kuz I don't even know"

"Maybe it's your period"

I shook my head. "Tomorrow is the last day of my period, so I'm sure that's not it"

"Well then tell me what you're feeling"

"I don't know Kelz...it just feels like there is something wrong. I don't know what and I don't know where but something just isn't right."

She raised her eyebrow. "Does this have anything to do with Houston?"

I shrugged. "Who knows" I said softly. "Shawn and I are barely speaking right now."


"Kuz he saw me hug and kiss Ryan on the cheek."

"Ohhh so we saw our first love again did we?" She joked. I wasn't laughing, this wasn't funny.

"Yeah but it's not like I did anything wrong. He won't even listen to what I have to say so why waste my breath trying to explain the story."

"What is the story?"

"Ryan came over to the house to apologize to my face for what he did. And I accepted it so I could finally close that book and read a new one."

"That's what I admire about you Bee, you always give second chances and you're not a uppity person."

I smiled a little. "Thanks Kelz...I wish Shawn could understand that Ryan and I are completely over."

"You want me to talk to him?"

I shook my head. "Nope, it will work out for itself. Now I gotta get going, I have to meet with this boy named Trey in half an hour."

"Trey who?" she asked shocked.

"Umm, Trey Williams, your boyfriend's cousin."

"And why are you meeting him?" She asked placing her hands on her hips. "Trick don't make me beat you up, trying to get into the Williams family."

I laughed. "You can try Kelly, but if you must know, Roy told his mother about my modeling and she started going on about how Trey and his mother were looking for models to do her new fashion show for her clothing line. You know she works with Babyphat."

"WOW Bee that's great, where you meeting him at?"

I bit my lip in thought. "Umm if I'm not mistaken he said at the mall."

"Oh okay"


"Wow, you're even more beautiful than my aunt told me." Trey said shaking my hand lightly, I smiled.

"Thank you. It's nice to meet you, I'm Beyonce Knowles."

He smiled. "Trey Williams, and it is nice to see you." We sat down and he pushed a few folders in front of my face.

"So my aunt tells me that you want to model?"

"Yup. It's been my dream since I was young and it still is."

"Ain't nothing wrong with that. So you ever did this before?"

I nodded. "Something close I guess. I've been doing pageants since I was like 5. I've done over a dozen photoshoots, and I used to model the kids wear for GAP from the ages of 6-13. I did the cover for Parenting Magazine, the Teen Zean, and The Nick Magazine."

He looked blown away. "Wow! You did all of that...how old are you again?"

I cheesed. "I turned 18 a few months ago"

"Damn girl that's impressive" He opened the folders in front of me. "My mom wanted you to look over some of the deisgns and see if you liked them. The outfits that you like you will wear in the fashion show. Aiight"

"Cool" As I started to flip through the folders I saw alot of stuff I liked, and as I was looking I felt Trey staring at me. Without looking up, I said "Are you staring at me?"

He laughed. "You're one of those people who can feel when people are looking at you." I nodded "I'm sorry."

I turned the page. "It's fine"

"I don't mean to be forward, but are you single?"

I shook my head and let my eyes wander down the page. "Nope, very much in love"

"Aww, young love" I looked up.


"I wasn't trying to get at you Ms. Knowles, I was just asking a question. Sometimes people in relationships don't usually last when one's a model."

"Well not me, I refuse to let that happen to me and Shawn."

"Shawn who...Shawn Carter?"

I nodded. "Yup, that's him"

"Ohhhhhh! So you're the one Aaliyah is so much in love with"

"Yup, thats my little baby"

He smirked. "You playing mommy already"

I shook my head. "Naw. I don't believe in taking away Candace's parental rights...that's not how it should be. Aaliyah should learn to love her mother even if she did abandon her." He nodded with a content smile. "So what about you. Tell me about yourself"

"Well unfortunatly I'm related to Roy, but other than that I'm 23 with a fiancee and two little boys named Jaleel and Jahmel. They are twins and the baddest 4 year olds in the world."

"Aww I bet they're not that bad"

"You don't know the Williams twins, they are horrible." I smiled. "So did you see anything you like?"

"I saw alot of stuff I like. Your mom did an exellent job of designing."

"Well I'll be sure to tell her, but we will be in contact with you within the next week. Because you do have the expericene she was looking for I'm sure you'll like it. Alot of our models get discovered from agents coming to check out the show. And plus it pays good."

I smiled. "I'm not in it for the money. This is something that I love."

"Why can't everyone be like you?" He said smiling. "But no seriously, it does pay over 200,000 dollars."

"That sounds good, but I have to get going." We stood up. I shook his hand and he kissed it. "Pleasure doing business with you Mr. Williams."

"You too Ms.Knowles...by the way my mother needs your direct cell phone number just in case we need you."

"Alright" I grabbed a pen from my purse and wrote down my number on a sheet of paper for him. "See you later."

As I knocked on Shawn's apartment door, I felt tension before the door even opened. But he didn't answer it. Some boy from school did. I should have used my key but I left it in Houston and the maid is sending it to me. It should be here within the next two days.

"Hey Beyonce, Shawn's in the living room." He said pointing.

I gave him a fake smile. "Thanks but I know where it is."

"BEE, BEE!" Aaliyah said running to me from the kitchen. I gave her a hug and held onto her hand as we walked towards the back. I walked to the living room to find him playing video games with like 4 other boys named Robert, Jamal, Darell, and Nick. Sitting on the floor was three girls who I didn't know, but saw them in school. One was sitting next to Nick, and the other was sitting awfully close to Shawn. She had her leg drapped over his.

I dropped my car keys on the floor. "Oh hell no!" I said. Everyone looked up at me. The girl quickly removed her legs and sat down on the floor. Aaliyah reached down to pick up my keys. When she handed them to me, I picked her up and carried her out.

"Bee wait-!" I heard Shawn yell after me. When I walked out the door he grabbed me. I turned to him with tears in my eyes. I forcefully pushed him off of me.

"You fuckin up Shawn!" was all I said before Aaliyah and I walked quickly down the steps.

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