33 Part 2

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place: Shawn's apartment
Time: 6:35 p.m
Date: January 1st 2002

As I left Shawn's apartment, I just continued to shake my head. I tried to explain to him that I had something very important to do but he wasn't trying to hear it. Unless it had something to do with him, then it wasn't important in his eyes. I'm so over his temper tantrums!

"Hey you alright?" A voice asked as I sat down at the conference table. I looked up and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be alright."

Trey looked at me and smiled. "It's about Shawn isn't it?"

"How'd you know?"

He simply shrugged. "Just taking a wild guess."

"Yeah but I don't want to throw my problems on you. Let's just go ahead and get started, alright?"

"Oookay!" he said laughing. I looked him over. He was fine as hell!


"You sure you'll be alright?" Trey asked as he walked me to my car an hour and a half later. I nodded.

"Thanks for everything. You've really helped my career take off."

He laughed smoothly. "How many times are you gonna tell me that?"

"I'm sorry. How many times have I said that exactly?"

He rubbed the back of his neck with a smile. "Just a good 7 times." We both laughed.

"I'm sorry!" I said.

"Oh naw it's cool. But my mom and I really have enjoyed having you on our team. You're a natural Beyonce."

"Well thank you." He smiled as I quickly covered my mouth. "Ooops! I guess that makes 8 times."

"You know you have a really beautiful smile." Trey said.

"For the ninth time today, thank you. But I really should be going. Today's Aaliyah's 3rd birthday and I promised that we'd go to dinner and have dessert afterwards."

"Aww, she really needs a mother figure like you in her life."

"And she won't ever have to worry about losing me."

He smiled. " You gonna make a wonderful wife and mother Bee."

"Thank you"

"Thank you for taking me out for dessert Bee-Bee." Aaliyah said making herself comfortable in my lap. It was just me and her sitting by the neighborhood pool. It was dark, but she wasn't scared at all.

"You don't have to say that anymore. You are more than welcome."

"Oh and thank you very much for my bike! I really really realllllllyyyyy LOVE it!"

"I knew you would" I said smiling.

She looked up at me. "Do you love me Bee-Bee?"

"Of course I love you Aaliyah. You're my big girl now."

She threw her little arms around my neck. "I love you too..." her voice trailed off as a chill went up her little spine.

"What's wrong Liyah?" I asked.

"One day...will you be my mommy?"

I smiled. "I would love to be your mommy. But we can't rush the process. When the day comes, it will. Okay sweetie?"


It was 3 a.m when I was wakened by the sound of my cell phone ringing off the hook. I reached for it with my eyes still closed.

"Hellllo" I said aggravated. It had been ringing nonstop since like 2:30 am.

"BEYONCE!" The voice on the other end yelled out. I sat up and slid out of Shawn's grip around my waist. "I really need to see you right now!" They were crying and I knew exactly who it was.

"Alright...just tell me where."

"The Mcdonalds over by the library."

I looked over at Shawn. "I'll be there in 10 minutes." I hurried up and got dressed. Right before I walked out of the bedroom, I looked over and saw Shawn laying in the bed watching me. He didn't say anything. He just let me go.

Or so I thought.

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