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place: Beyonce and Kelly's House
Time: 7:15 p.m
Date: November 30th 2001

"Sometimes I think that you two are married." My Aunt Leena said walking past Shawn and I laying in my bedroom watching Prison Song on BET. I raised my head from his chest and giggled.

"I've been trying to tell y'all, she's my wifey." Shawn said reaching up and stroking my cheek.

"I swear y'all make me sick."

As I laid my head back down, she came back walking in. "Oh yeah your mother left you a message. She wants you to call her."

"Umm alright, I'll do it tonight."

"Okay. Well I'm going to meet your uncle for dinner at Olive Garden." She paused and noticed something. "SHAWN! PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!"

His hands popped up from up under the blanket. They weren't where you thought they were. They were resting on my back that time.

"Yes ma'am"

"Good. Be good baby." She walked out and left the two of us alone.

"So what do you wanna do for the rest of the night?We have forever until they get home." He asked.

I shrugged and reached for my cordless phone. "I'll tell you in a second." I dialed a number and sat up off of him.

"Who you calling?"

I rubbed my eyes and turned on my lamp before holding up my finger. "Yes may I speak to either Mathew or Tina please...yes I'll hold."

"Who are you calling?" He said poking me in the stomach.

"My parents. Is that cool with you?" He nodded and got up and went to the bathroom. "Hello"

"Yes who is speaking?"

"Beyonce. Your daughter mom!"

"Oh my god, my baby. Long time no talk to."

"Yeah I guess you could say that. I've been pretty busy."

I felt her raise her eyebrow over 350 thousand miles away. "Oh really with what...or should I said with who?"

"Umm I don't know what you talking about. But I have been busy with school, work and -" she cut me off.

"Your Aunt Leena told me a couple of people in your life."

"Look ma before you say anything and start judging them, hear me out kuz I-" she cut me off again.

She laughed. "I haven't said a word baby. I can't make decisions for you. You're old enough now. By the way what's his name?"

I smiled. "Shawn Carter and his daughter's name is Aaliyah. She's so sweet, and I know exactly where she gets it from."

"Mmmm hmmm"

I cocked my head to the side as I watched Shawn come back into my room. "Mmmm hmmm what?" I asked.

"My baby's in love and she got it bad. How long has it been?"

"Almost 3 months I guess." I said shrugging.

"Well that's just enough time for you to fall. He must be special!"

"Oh yeah he is"

"Special enough that you could bring the two of them down here for Christmas? Your father and I will only be in town for that one night. Then we're off to Rome." I rolled my eyes. They were always going somewhere.

"Umm, can we talk it over and then I get back to you on that?"

"Sure honey thats fine. Well I have to get going. Make sure you call me back."

"I will. Love you"

"Love you too." And with that I ended the call and looked down at Shawn who had his head in my lap with his eyes closed. I bent down and kissed his nose.

"Wake up"

He opened his eyes and smiled at me."Were you talking about me?" He asked.

I smiled and ran my hand over his head. "Maybe" He sat up and laid his body on top of mine.

"Kuz if you were, I know everything now. I know how you feel about me." His thick lips graced my neck with kisses, making my skin crawl with pleasure. I moaned as I felt his dick in between my legs, outside of my basketball shorts. That's when I realized what was about to happen.

"Umm Shawn"

He brought his lips to mine and stared me in the eyes. Slowly he pulled away from the kiss. "I love you so much Beyonce, and I don't want you to ever think otherwise."

I was so shocked. "I love you too Shawn." He bit down on his lip and went in for another kiss.

* * *

Shawn POV

I sat on the edge of Beyonce's bed dressed, straightening up her stuff. She wasn't messy it was just...

"Where's Bee?" Kelly said from the hallway, as her and Roy made their way up the stairs.

I bit my lip and pointed towards the bathroom where the shower had cut off no less than 5 minutes ago. The door swung open and she came walking out with a towel draped over her shoulders.

"Umm, Kelly you're home!"

"Uh-huh, I'm home alright. Why are you taking a shower so late?" She asked.

"How was dinner and the movie?"

"We had to end it kuz Kelly said her stomach was hurting from the food." Roy said giving Bee a hug.

"Yeah, so what did you two do all night?"

Beyonce smiled and went into her room and shut the door behind her. She sat down on my lap and laid her head on my shoulder.

"You okay" I asked rubbing her lower back.

She nodded. "Yeah I just never expected you to go so hard like that."

"You told me you wasn't a-"

"I wasn't. The last time I was 14 years old and he was a little boy...what I encountered today was a man." She said smiling.

I smirked and laid her down on the bed. "I've been meaning to ask you something" She said softly.

"What's that?"

"Well I have to fly back to Houston for Christmas. My parents will only be in town for that one day, and I was wondering if you and Liyah would like to come with me? My parents really want to meet you two."

I smiled. "Yeah, that's cool. I'd do anything for my everything."

"Even give her a massage when she needs it"

I nodded and kissed her. "Even that. Just lemme know where." She leaned up and whispered in my ear. I watched as she leaned back on the pillow while biting her lip. I smirked as I slid my hand in between her legs.

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