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place: Houston, Texas
Time: 1: 45 p.m
Date: December 23rd 2001

My parents sent the black limo to pick Shawn and I up from the airport because they weren't going to make it in time. In fact they said that they would be late. They were leaving the morning for their trip, so Shawn and I were going to leave on my father's private plane that night to make a surprise for Aaliyah on Christmas.

As we pulled up to the house, I watched as Shawn's eyes widen and his mouth dropped. I smiled and looked down shyly. I hated to flaunt my money but I liked when new people came over to the house.

"Damn girl this is nice." He said looking out of the tinted black window.

"Thanks...but don't get it twisted kuz we used to live in a small apartment in the projects before this. So I am grateful for what I have."

He kissed my cheek. "That's what I like about you. You so humble."

"I try"

The car stopped in front of the doors, and the driver came and opened the door for me. "You're home, Ms. Knowles." he said stepping aside as Shawn got out to help me.

I smiled. "Thank you" I turned to my driver. "Thank you Franklin, we appreciate it."

He tipped his hat. "I see the princess hasn't changed"

I shook my head. "No" I took Shawn's hand and led him to the front door where I put in the security code and they opened like automatic doors. Shawn was amazed. He looked around. "Well...what do you think?"

He looked at me. "Can I have a tour?"

I nodded and led him around the entire house. The only thing he hadn't seen was my room, and he wasn't going to see it. That's not where he was sleeping...tonight anyways.

* * *
"Giselle!" I heard someone yell. I stood up from the theater room and walked down the hall way. "BOO!" I jumped and damn near fell out when I saw my cousin Chris standing there. I jumped on him and gave him a hug.

"What are you doing here C?" I asked as he let me down.

"My mama told me you was in town...actually the whole neighborhood heard you was coming into town for a few days."

I gave him another hug. "Well you know my parents. Whenever I go somewhere there's some big surpise everytime I come home."

"Yup, I bet they got you a puppy"

I shook my head. "Bet it's something with a diamond."

"Speaking of diamond, why is there one on your ring finger." He grabbed my arm. "Little girl I know you not getting married."

I shook my head and pushed him back. Chris was 3 years older than me and my favorite cousin other than Kelly. He played the big brother role part in my life and was always there for me whenever I needed him. Therefore he thought he could control my life. Yeah right.

"No don't worry, I'm not getting married right now. It's a pre-engagement ring see" I said waving it in his face.

He grabbed my hand. "From who?"

I snatched my hand back with a smile. "My boyfriend/ pre-fiance"

"BOYFRIEND! When did we discuss you getting a boyfriend young lady? You know what fuck that get that nigga on the line right now." He said handing me his cell phone.

I gave it back. "He's in the theater room nosey!"

"You brought him with you?"

"Yeah my parents wanna meet him. His daughter was gonna come too but-" He cut me off.

"Daughter? The deadbeat got you playin mommy when she comes to visit."

I placed one finger in his face. "First of all Shawn is not a deadbeat, he takes care of Aaliyah all by his self, and second of all I'm not playin mommy to anyone. This isn't a game. What I'm feelin for him is real. I love him Chris and not even your words can make me not. He makes me happy and that's all I've ever asked him to do. He reminds me so much of you." I said with a smile.

Chris looked at me and shook his head. "Oh yeah my baby cousin is in love forreal."

"Sooo...you wanna meet him?"

He nodded and put his arm around me. "You damn right...I gotta meet him if you this sprung."

I pushed him a little. "Shut up"

* * *

"So what do you think of them?" I asked Shawn as we sat down in the living room after dinner. My parents retired to their room for...well that's nasty so I'm not gonna say it.

He looked up from the TV and smiled. "They aren't what I expected...not judgemental at all."

"See I tried to tell you"

He nodded. "Yeah and I can see where your personality comes from."


"And you're JUST like your mother"

I laughed and laid my head in his lap. "Thanks...they used to call me her mini-me."

"I can imagine why" he leaned down to kiss me, but his phone started ringing from all the way upstairs "That must be my mom and Aaliyah."

"I'll be right here when you come back." I said sitting up so he could get up.

"Alright" he ran up the spiral steps to his room. As soon as I got back comfortable the house phone started ringing. Since my parents were busy I reached over and grabbed the cordless phone.

"Knowles Residence, Beyonce speaking."

"It's nice to hear from you Bee"

"Umm...who is this?"

"It's Ryan! And before you hang up I just wanna talk to you. It's important."

"Maybe to you, but not to me"

"Please Bee just hear me out. I just wanna apologize."

"You have appologized too many times"

"No you don't understand, I wanna see you. I need to tell you this face to face. It doesn't mean anything unless I do."

I sighed and rubbed my forehead in frustration "Alright...fine....when"

"How long are you going to be in town"

"Just until tomorrow night, my parents are leaving in the morning"

"Umm okay...well I'll come by in the afternoon. Say around 5."

"Alright...my plane leaves at 9 so I'll see you then"


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