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place: Kroger Grocery Store
time: 6: 12 p.m
date: August 17th 2001

"Whatchu want for dinner tonight mama?" I asked, poking Aaliyah's stomach. She giggled and leaned over while pushing my hand away. I had just gotten off work and had to go get some groceries for the house.

"Stop daddy, dat tickles."

"I know that's why I did it. So what do you want for dinner?"

"Cookies and ice cream!"

"How about not! What about some barbeque chicken..." Aaliyah cut me off with excitement.

"Wif taters and... and... wif wif wif mac and cheeze! Pweeze daddy, pweeze" She said poking out her little lip. I laughed and kissed her cheek.

"Okay lil mama, we can have mashed potatoes and mac and cheese. Just for you."

She gave me that million dollar smile that I fall for every time. "Tank coo."

"C'mon let's hurry up and get out of here."

I went and got the stuff for tonight's dinner and then got Aaliyah a few snacks and dessert. I paid for everything and then we left. As I strapped her into her car seat in my mom's car, something caught my eyes. It was a girl standing in the parking lot, drunk as hell. She looked lost and everything. Aaliyah noticed me looking at her.

"Daddy who dat?"

I shrugged. "I don't know mama, it looks like..." I squinted my eyes and noticed it was Candice. I hurried up and got in the car.

"Well who is it daddy?"

I shook my head as I started the car. "No one, just sit back in your seat."


She did as I said and I pulled off down the street. I made it back to my mom's house and started to get out the car. I noticed my mom's boyfriend Nathaniel's car outside. I helped Aaliyah out and we walked inside.

"Ma, I brought your car back." I said shutting the door. Aaliyah ran through the house.

"Nana, I back"

My mom came walking from the kitchen with Nathan on her heels. "Yes I see that Liyah" she said picking her up.

"Hi nafin( nathan)!"

He sorta ignored her acknowledgment with a wave off, which pissed me off. Just kuz she's 2 doesn't mean you should ignore her. Aaliyah wiggled out of my mom's arms and stomped on Nathan's foot.

"How rude!" She yelled and ran to the kitchen to finish her snack.

"You coulda spoken to her you know. She got feelings too." I said mugging him.

"I'm sorry Shawn...I didn't mean to offend her."

"Yeah whatever. Look mom I gotta get back home, I just wanted to bring you back the car."

"Want me to go get Aaliyah for you?" Nathan asked shyly.

"Could you please" He nodded and walked away. Once he was out of sight I turned to my mom. She was smiling at me. "What?"

"I heard through the grapevine that someone went on a date."

I gave her a funny look. "Who told you that?"

"The manager from AMC called me and told me. You know we go to the same church now."

"Yeah mama, I know. But this isn't about her."

"Who is she?"

"We're just friends."

"Did you kiss her?"

I threw my hands up in the air. "MA!"

"Okay so I know this much, you went out on a date and you kissed her. Hmm, at least I'm getting somewhere."

"AALIYAH LET'S GO!" I yelled while grabbing her little jacket off the couch. Her and Nathan came walking from the kitchen. "Thanks man."

"No problem. We solved our little fight, right Aaliyah?"

"Rite Nafin" She ran over and jumped into my arms. "Bye nana"

My mom kissed her cheek. "See you later angel cake"

We got on the bus and went home.

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