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place: Shawn's House
Time: 5:48 p.m
Date: December 22rd 2001

"What's the matter with you baby?" Shawn said lightly touching my chin, while he packed his clothes.

I shrugged. "I just wish Aaliyah could go with us. My mom really wants to meet her."

"Do you love your mom?"

"Of course"

He laughed. "Then Aaliyah not going is a good thing. Trust me...besides my mom promised to take care of her and doesn't plan on letting Candace take her anywhere while we're gone."

"I know, but still"

"Are you all packed up and ready to go home?"

"Yeah...you know I was thinking about moving back home after graduation" He stopped packing.

"You forreal"

I shook my head and continued to flip through my magazine. "Nope, just like to see ya sweat"

He threw a pair of his boxers at me. "Ugh!"

I threw them back at his head. "Eww I don't want your nasty boxers on me. That is so gross"

"Aww shut up, they clean anyway"

* * *

"And...and you're gonna call me right?" I nodded and kissed her forehead.

"And you're gonna bring me something back too right?"

"I promise I will" I said holding out my pinky, she linked hers with mine and gave me a hug. "Bye baby"

"Bye Bee-Bee, I love you"

I kissed her cheek. "I love you too" She laid back in her bed and I tucked her back in. I looked over at Shawn who was all ready to go. We said good bye to his mother and left her house at exactly 5:40 the next morning. I didn't want to leave Aaliyah but I had to. After Nathan dropped us off on his way to work, we kinda sat around the airport waiting on our plane to board.

"You miss her already don't you?" Shawn said kissing my cheek.

I nodded. "Yup...but how could I not she means so much to me."

"I know how ya feel, but we'll only be gone for three days. Don't get all emotional on me now."

I smiled. "Leave me alone"

"But no forreal, I understand. I miss her too, but as a father I know how to deal with it. Hurts like hell leaving that little face."

I put my arm around him shoulder. "Aww is someone getting emotional on me."

He leaned in and kissed me. "Don't ever say that again, or I'll put you in the trashcan." He said laughing. I smiled and let him go.

* * *

As Shawn and I sat on the plane, I sat there fiddling with my fingers thinking about whether to tell him about something. It was very important and I shoulda told him this a long time ago, but I just didn't know how. When I looked over at him, he was staring me dead in my mouth. I looked away shyly. He grabbed my chin lightly and turned me back to him.

"Why did you look away like that?"

I shrugged. "Well kuz you kinda scared me, staring me in my mouth."

"Oh...you just looked so deep in thought over there. I was trying to figure out what you was thinking about."

"You really wanna know?"

He nodded. "Thats kinda why I asked baby"

I sucked my teeth. "Well I know I shoulda told you this a long time ago, but it just never came out. Please don't hate me for not telling you this earlier..."

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