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Trixie groaned as her alarm went off, pulling the blankets over her head. She was up too late last night to even think about school, but the thought of seeing Katya made getting up a little easier.

She turned off her alarm, rubbing her fingers over the dried tears on her face. Trixie scrunched up her nose, getting up to wash her face off and fix up his hair.

She pulled on some light blue jeans, along with a pastel yellow top. She smiled at herself in the mirror, putting on some lipstick and eyeliner before she went to her room to find appropriate shoes.

Soon, Trixie was off and walking to school. It wasn't too long of a walk, maybe five minutes or so, but she enjoyed it. Trixie's morning was actually going well, but then she remembered last night's events and a wave of panic rushed over her.

She is going to see Jessie today.

After school.

That thought alone made her want to cry all over again.

Trixie quickly arrived at school, her eyes looking down at her white shoes the whole time. She glanced up as she walked to her locker, smiling softly at the sight of Katya standing there, as usual.

Katya smiled back at Trixie, pulling the girl into a tight hug.

"Hey, love," She said, pulling away and pressing a kiss to Trixie's lips quickly. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright," Trixie shrugged as she glanced up at Katya's eyes. "I'm definitely not ready to see him today, but I'm alright right now," She added, biting her lip as she turned to open her locker.

Katya sighed gently.

"They will be there when you get home from school, yeah?" She asked, her eyes watching Trixie pull her needed books out.

Katya nodded, shoving the books into her bag before she shut her locker.

"Yeah," She mumbled with a slight frown. "I just hope my mum doesn't leave me alone with him,- I can't see him, I can't."

"You'll be fine, baby," Katya reassured, pulling Trixie closer to kiss her forehead, "If you need anything, you can call me and I will be there as fast as possible."

"Can't you just come with me? After school?" Trixie pleaded, looking up at Katya with slight puppy dog eyes.

Katya smiled softly, her hand finding Trixie's and squeezing gently. "Your mom would literally kill you, I'm sure, I would if I could."

Trixie frowned, pouting slightly.

"But Katya," he whined, "You can come! my mum won't do anything if we have guests. Please?"

Katya sighed, shaking her head.

"Fine, but if your mum asks me to leave, then I'm leaving," She said, a fond smile forming on her face when Trixie leaped on her.

Trixie wrapped her arms tightly around Katya's neck, having to stand on her tippy toes to do so.

"You are my favorite person ever," She said happily, leaning back slightly to give Katya a small kiss.

"You literally got me wrapped around your little finger, don't you?"

"Yup," Trixie teased with a wink.

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