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The rest of the night went by uneventfully. Trixie wasn't having much fun, though. All of her thoughts were directed at Katya. She wondered if she was asleep right now, in the bed they were supposed to share.

Trixie watched everyone get drunk off their asses, and while it was entertaining, Trixie couldn't even fake a smile.

Eventually, everyone was heading to bed.

Trixie silently followed Chris to his room, walking past Katya's closed door with a frown. She helped a drunken Chris open the door and close it behind them. She slipped into the bed next to Chris, making sure they had decent space between them.

"Are you alright?" Chris spoke quietly after a few minutes, breaking the dense silence between them.

Trixie shrugged, biting her lip as she stared at the ceiling. "I don't know. I don't think so, I just thought that Katya actually liked me, y'know?"

Chris could feel his heart hurt at Trixie's whispered words.

"She does," he said after a moment, "She actually likes you. I was just being an asshole. I mean, she did lead Violet and everyone else on, but that was different than what she's doing with you. I have never seen her like this with someone else."

"Really?" Trixie said softly into the darkness of the room. "You are not just lying again?"

"I'm not lying," Chris reassured. "Katya has fucked around with a lot of people, but she's definitely not just messing around with you, and you probably shouldn't mess this up anymore by staying in here."

Trixie sighed softly at that, fiddling with her fingers. "Are you sure? because I'm not too sure she wants to see me right now."

"It's better than staying in here with me. If she found out, she would kill both of us. Go, go find your Queen."

Trixie giggled softly, for the first time in the last few hours. "I will, thank you, Chris. You are not half bad."

"I'm not like this all the time, so don't get used to it. I'll always be an asshole," Chris muttered in return, but Trixie could hear the smile in his voice.

Trixie slipped out of the tall bed quietly.

"Whatever, thank you again," She spoke quietly, eyes searching for Chris in the dark room as she approached the door, but was only met with the sound of Chris' snores.

Trixie padded out into the dark hallway and slowly made her way to the room Katya was in. She stood in front of the wood door, taking a deep breath before gently knocking. There was no response, so Trixie gently pushed it open.

A smile spread on her face as she saw Katya's sleeping figure, incased in moonlight from the window, she was wearing no pants and a white hoodie. Trixie quietly shut the door behind her and walked slowly to the bed and climbed in next to Katya.

Trixie snuggled up to the older girl, resting her head on her chest and closing her eyes. Katya's tattooed arms wrapped around her in her sleep, and Trixie wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

a/n: look at chris being nice

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