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Monday felt anxious to Trixie.

Whether it was the fight that just occurred the day before or if it was just the pure dread of monday's (she was sure it was the first one, though). She walked into school like she normally would though, her white sleeves draped over her hands and a soft denim skirt swinging over her thighs as she walked her way to her locker.

Trixie couldn't fight the smile on her face when she saw Katya there, with the worsening bruise on her jaw and the swollen nose. But, that didn't make her any less beautiful, and she was wearing her leather jacket and her stupid red lips.

"Hey," Trixie said as she approached, being pulled into a tight hug before she could even finish the word.

Katya squeezed Trixie to her, kissing her forehead before letting her go. "You look gorgeous today," She hummed, and Trixie only flushed in response.

It was Katya's favorite thing; when Trixie's cheeks tinted pink, matching the pretty shade of her long hair.

"Thank you, you too, and I hope you didn't leave red lipstick on me." Trixie said bashfully, glancing down at her feet before looking back up at Katya.

"Your bruise looks terrible up close" She added, lifting a hand to run her fingertips over it gently, "How's your nose feeling? I can't believe Chris did this to you."

Katya chuckled, a smile forming on her lips, which happened a lot around Trixie.

"I really appreciate the compliment," she teased, leaning slightly into the light touch from Trixie on her cheek. "It doesn't hurt as bad as it did, should be fine soon. The bruise and the swelling should be gone within the week, so you don't have to look at me being so ugly right now," Katya added, a joking tone to her voice.

The roll of her eyes was all Trixie added to the subject before playfully shoving Katya away from her locker so she could put the combination in.

"Stupid cunt," She mumbled at Katya, but a small smile played at her painted lips.

Katya only smiled fondly and shook her head.

"Will you come and sit with me and my friends today at lunch?" She asked after a moment of silence, a little bit of nervousness in her blue eyes. "Like I love sitting with you at the tree and stuff, but Amy said she had something important to announce and I don't wanna miss it, but I also don't wanna miss sitt-"

"Stop rambling, loser," Trixie said with a shake of her head as she shut her locker and turned to face Katya. "I would love to sit with you and your friends. It'd be nice to meet other friends of yours that aren't Chris."

"Chris will be there, y'know," She said, her smile faltering. "That won't bother you, right? I'll say something if he says anything about you."

Trixie just kept the reassuring, soft smile on her face. "It won't bother me, Katya, I promise. I've been dealing with him saying things like that to me for years, I'll be fine."

"Only if you're sure," Katya said, biting her lower lip as she trailed off at the end of the sentence.

Trixie giggled softly and nodded.

"I'm sure," she said confidently, which she was.

Chris didn't scare her, just made her uncomfortable sometimes, but that was it.

"I'll see you at lunch, then," She said as the bell rung, standing on his tippy toes to press her lips to Katya's cheek before scurrying off to her class and leaving Katya with pink cheeks and a stupid smile.

a/n: unrelated to the fic but i love katya so much

weak ; trixya ✗Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon