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It was beautiful. It was huge, and you could see the pretty lake in the back of it. Trixie thought it was a shame that it was going be too cold to use it. The cabin was surrounded by trees and was so cozy.

Trixie loved it.

The pair got out of the car, each of them grabbing their small bags and making their way to the cabin. It seemed like everyone else was already here, considering Trixie and Katya left a bit later than everyone else. As they approached the front door, Trixie could already hear everyone inside giggling and talking loudly. She smiled, because maybe, this weekend wouldn't be as bad as she thought.

Once they were inside and set their stuff in their room for the next two days, they moved back down to the lounge area where everyone else was.

The first night was pretty great to Trixie. She just sat with Katya and all of her friends and had an amazing time. There wasn't even one sexual comment from Chris. Trixie's whole perspective on this camping trip was quickly changing.

a/n: it's my birthday and this is ranking on a few hastag oh my god !!!!!!!! best birthday present ever thanks guys i love you all sm

also double update hehe

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