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Trixie walked down the hall to her locker, glancing up to see Katya already there, she was pressed against her locker, her black almost see-through top cinched to her chest and her skinny, skinny black jeans showing her body.

It was lunch period, and Trixie had to admit she was a bit nervous to meet Katya's friends. Trixie has never been to great with new people, especially new people who she wanted to like her. She felt the need to impress these people, even more so that Chris didn't like her too much.

"Hey, princess," Katya said with a bright smile which made Trixie blush a little, the bruises not distracting the fact that she was so happy. "Ready to meet some people?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow at the smaller girl.

Trixie took a deep breath as she set a book into her locker and closed it.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," She said, a nervous smile on her lips as Katya lead her to the lunchroom.

Trixie has never sat in the lunchroom, and it was for a good reason. The place was an absolute mess; your typical high school lunchroom, which was terribly cliche in Trixie mind. Everyone sat in their specific cliques and no one dared to jump out of their social group, expect Trixie of course, but she had always been an exception in this stereotypical school.

She didn't fit in with the 'gays', nor the 'art people', or the 'drama nerds', or anyone else for that matter. So Trixie, being who she is, decided to sit by herself outside and not get involved with the messy high school drama, but that was exactly what she has been doing recently.

Katya lead her to a table in the back, with a few girls (and Chris) dressed much like Katya.

Trixie definitely did not belong here, with her light denim skirt, white jumper and pink hair, but Katya made her feel comfortable.

Katya sat down first, Trixie sitting down next to her, her legs being immediately pulled into Katya's lap a teasing hand rubbing her thighs softly.

Everyone's gaze at the table had turned to them, including Chris', which made Trixie extremely uncomfortable and she bit at her lip.

"Hey," Katya chirped happily, "Guys, this is Trixie." She gestured to the small girl who was sat very close to her. "She is sitting with us today."

A blonde girl was the first to speak to Trixie. She had bright pink tips on her hair and dark eyeliner lining her eyes.

"Hey Trixie," she smiled kindly and Trixie already felt a bit more accepted, "I'm Courtney."

Trixie smiled, fiddling with the sleeves of her sweater, "Hey," he said softly, "I really like your hair."

After Trixie was introduced to Amy, Sharon, Alaska and Willam, Amy took the lead in her announcement.

"So, as you guys know I have my annual camping trip," She said with a small smile as she glanced around the round table. "And this year my parents are finally letting us use their cabin!" Amy exclaimed, making the people around the table, except Trixie, gasp in excitement.

"No fucking way!" Sharon about yelled, jumping around in her seat. "When are we doing it this year? Over spring break, Christmas break...?"

Amy smiled sheepishly at that. "I know it's last minute, but my parents are only letting us use it this weekend. So I hope you all are able to come..?"

"I'm in," Alaska said immediately, a wide smile on her face. "My dad isn't home this week so I should be good to go. I'm not missing this for anything."

Courtney thought for a moment before speaking after Alaska.

"I'll have to check for sure, but I'm almost 100% sure that I can go. What about you, Katya?" she asked, turning to said girl.

Katya shrugged at Courtney before glancing at Amy, "Can Trixie come with me?" She asked, jutting his lower lip out slightly at her as she squeezed Trixie to her side to emphasize her point.

Amy rolled his eyes.

"Duh," she said, like it was obvious, but to Trixie it definitely wasn't. "You can't go more than a day without her, but yeah, that should be fine. I figure you two would share a bed so it wouldn't take any extra room so."

"Awesome!" Katya said happily as she glanced down at Trixie before looking at Amy again. "I'll be good to go then."

"Trixie..?" She said as she looked at Trixie's brown eyes again. "Will your mom let you go if she knows you are with me or..."

Trixie bit her lower lip and shrugged at Katya's words. "I'm sure I can tell her that I'll be at Kim's or something, she won't ask about that."

The punk girl immediately had another happy smile on her face again. "Amy, I figure we'd leave Friday after school and come back Sunday around dinner-ish, yeah? that's what we usually do."

Amy nodded, a bright smile on her face as she fiddled with her gauge in her ear. "That's the plan. Everyone else can go, yeah? Sharon? Willam? Chris?"

Chris smirked at Trixie slightly before looking at Amy. "Oh, I wouldn't miss this for anything," he said, although his voice had a menacing tone to it that Katya did not like.

"I'm in!" Willam chirped in, breaking the tension filled silence after Chris spoke.

"This is going to be an awesome fucking weekend," Amy said, leaning back in her seat with a grin.

But, Trixie had a bad feeling about it.

a/n: the drama is coming friends

(new cover i: love it)

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