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Three days later
Location: Center City
Time: 8:30 a.m.

I slowly opened the janitor door and dove into the corner of Center Building, wiping sweat from my forehead.
Why did I come this early?
Goddamn Steven didn't even tell me what time the bomb is gonna blow up.

I rolled my arm sleeves up.
It's the middle of summer and yet I literally have a ninja suit on.
I asked Jun-Seo and Sarah for a mask and they gave me a full on costume.
Heck, this girl even gave me a sword.
Perks of being a martial arts teacher I guess.

I snapped back to reality and saw two cameras on each side of the building.
People were walking past freely while I tried to hide behind a giant column.

These people don't even know what's going to happen.
According to Steven, the bomb is planted on the very bottom of the building.

I should get there without being seen...but how...?

My eyes scanned the crowd and it landed on a familiar guy.
I whispered.

I remember him...he's one of the members of Eccentric Kings.
So he 'works' here eh? No wonder no one thinks these people as suspicious.

My face lit up as I saw another guy passing by the previous one.
They acted smoothly but I saw them pass a note to each other.

So my guess is right. They are really workers in this building with evil intentions.
I smirked as one of the guy started to walk my way.

I swerved from his eye view and as he walked by, bam right in the neck.
I caught him into my arms to prevent noise and slowly walked back to the janitor door.

I removed his watch and scanned his body. He's got pretty big clothes but good thing he's got giant pockets though. I'm just afraid that it won't fit me.
What field does he work in?

I gulped. "I feel like I'm doing something illegal..."
I slid his pants off and my eyes widened in shock.
The only reason he looks like a bigger guy is because of all these weapons hidden on his legs.

Woah. So many and I know them all.

I read his nametag.
Tony Stuart
Security Guard

I peeled off his shirt with the tag on it.
Underneath laid the very same armor Steven told me about.
It looked even older in person but still, I felt around the armor for any buttons.
Sure enough, on the side there was a small opening.

I put my head through the armor and then my arms. It glowed a dim blue light and spread through my body.
So that's how they're protected without covering their whole body.

I nodded in fascination as I slowly slid the working shirt on.
With the armor and amount of weapons I have underneath, the clothes fit me just right.

I chuckled. A security guard with about ten weapons checking other people for weapons.
I must've hit the jackpot worker then.

My hand dug into his front pockets and pulled out the note that was passed:


Huh? 8:33?
Don't tell me that the bomb is going to blow at 8:33...
No—that's too soon right? That's in three minutes!
I can't find the bomb that quick... What do I do?

Should I make a run for it and try to find the bomb?
I looked at the watch.

We're fucked.
I'm fucked.
We're all gonna die.

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