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I immediately released my foot and massaged my temples.
Fuck this can't be happening...

He snickered.
"Ey? You scared?"


My forehead wrinkled, but he couldn't see it through the mask.

Still, it can't be.
Maybe he had a twin brother?

There's no way the Eliot I've known would be like this. Of course I only met him for like two days.

"Go on. Attack me some more." Eliot taunted as he rubbed the corner of his eye.
He tilted his head and I finally see a burn mark at the side.

Did I do that?
The flash that I made must've affected him really bad. I'm surprised he could still see.
"What are you waiting for?" He seethed.

I grimaced and tensed up, slicing my hand through the air.
He smiled when he thought I was going to attack him.

I cut each of my frozen classmates free, and they tumbled, gasping for air.

"C'MON YOU BASTARD!" Eliot hollered, frowning at my rescue.

My fists shook with anger, and it crashed on Eliot's face without hesitation.
"Shut up!"

He was thrown back by a meter.
That's what he fucking gets for talking so much.

There were muffled groans when he hit the ground. His comrades backed away slowly.
"That's more like it." Eliot grinned and slightly touched the corner of his lips which held a small scratch.
This dude is a masochist.

"You really think I'm that weak?" Eliot spoke confidently. His hand quivered as he pointed at himself with his thumb, and stood himself up.

"No no no...this isn't just a small fight like I said before. This...may be your last."

What the fuck is he saying...?

Eliot reached his hand through his jacket.
I tensed up.
"I was waiting for this moment. To exterminate you all."

Did he have a gun? What's going on?

With a slow motion, Eliot took out a a black rectangular object, with a red button in the middle.

"What the that? A television remote control?"

He looked appalled as he waved around the weird ass object like it was a treat for a dog.

"We destroyed the city already."

I didn't hear that wrong, did I? That's impossible.

"If you don't believe me, look over there." Eliot pointed behind us, where we could see smoke slowly rising out of the forest.

"This object right here, is a remote control for a bomb."

Murmurs erupted around me.
The Eccentric Kings snickered.

Well I was right about it being a remote. Still, what kind of a name is 'Eccentric Kings'? Sounds like it came out of a stupid book or something.

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