What Goes Around Comes Around

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You really are pitiful...

I gasped loudly and sat up. There were puddles of sweat on the pillow and my body felt sticky.

A dream? Just a dream right?

No wait...
I took a glance around. This wasn't my room...
Where am I?
I gasped, panicking, darting my eyes back and forth in the strange room.

My eyes fell on my arm, bandaged but blood was still visible.
So it wasn't a dream...

Ugh, never mind that, I need to get out of here.
I don't even know where this place is.

I gotta go before anyone comes i—
"Ah you woke up?"


I grumbled and looked up.

...Jun-Seo was standing there with a towel around his neck.
Why am I in his house?

I gripped the blankets tightly.

"You feel better?" He asked.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh well." He shrugged and sat on the side of the bed.

"You know, Raymond. You're a really cool guy."
I didn't reply. Where is he getting on with this? A proposal? No...a confession?

"When I first met you, I thought you were one of those douchebags or players or whatnot."
He stopped for a minute to look at me, but was disappointed to see the indifference on my face.
I eyed him suspiciously.

"But later, I wanted to get to know you better. I mean, no homo or anything, but like just as friends you know?"


"Tell me what's bothering you. I'm not here as a therapist. I'm here as a friend." He placed a hand on my shoulder again.

I slowly looked up at him.
His soft expression...familiar...
kind of like...Charlie's

I scowled and got off the bed in a hurry.
A cold breeze blew and I shuddered.
I'm usually not good with the cold but shouldn't I be normal now that I don't have lightning powers?

I crossed my arm and felt this weird sensation and at that moment I knew...

Oh my g—"where are my clothes...?" I finally spoke, turning to Jun-Seo in horror.

I was topless.

"Sorry I had to take it off to care for your wounds."


Jun-Seo reached both of his hands out like a police officer. "Now now calm down and sit down. You shouldn't be moving your arms. It's cut real bad. It's not like you're a girl or something.

I obliged, even though it took me all of my guts to not yell anymore.

Jun-Seo and I sat there in silence.

He cleared his throat uncomfortably.
"Uh...say Raymond...Were you abused back then?"

I gulped, and my heart stopped for a second.

"Hey..." Jun-Seo nudged me.
"You're pale. Are you okay? Are you sick?"
I clenched my hands on my pants.

"Hey...yo..dude why are you crying?"

Huh? Crying?
I snapped out of my daze and felt my face. Indeed, my cheeks were wet.
"...tears?" I muttered.

"I must've guessed right." Jun-Seo sighed.

I stared dumbfounded into space.

"I knew from the moment I saw the scar on your back. Were you still holding onto the past?"

My mouth couldn't open to speak.
"Where are your parents right now?"
He looked at me with a frown.

I stared back at him.
"One...one of them is dead. The others...I–I don't know."

Jun-Seo shook his head.
"What's past is past. Let go of it. Can't you see how much it has harmed you?"

I bit on my lip and more tears started falling uncontrollably.
What's this painful feeling in my heart?

"Go find your family and get back together." He said confidently.

My eyes widened as I stood back up again as a fast as a bullet.

"Why not?" Jun-Seo stood up in front of me, as if we were rivals.

Was he always this tall? He's almost my height.

"Because I don't want to be related to them at all."

"Listen Raymond, if you don't do this, you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

My heart started hurting again.
"Don't worry. Something tells me that I won't live long."

Jun-Seo grumbled.
"Fine. Grab your things over there and go. I won't be seeing you out."

"Looking forward to that."

I snatched my things from on top of a drawer and started heading out.

Jun-Seo called me one last time.
"If you ever need help...just...come by."

I sighed and walked out the door.

Only when I was out, I realized I had no where else to go.
I burned Charlie's house down and I don't remember whether they got a new house or what.
Either way, there's no way I'm going near there.

The academy probably closed on me too...
Am I going to be homeless?

I chuckled and stared at the sky.
"Really...is this...karma?"
Hello my fellow friends 👋👋
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