The Needles

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I sighed and started walking away.
My steps were heavy and my heart hurt  more than my wound.

"No place to go..."
I chuckled hopelessly, staring at the sky with emptiness.


I know right? Can't life just stop right now?


Yeah, I wish I could also stop breathin—wait what?

I whipped my head around and my eyes widened with shock.

5 guys in black suits chasing after a dude....
Sucks for that guy–wait—Steven?

"RAYYYYMOOOND!" He screamed like Tarzan, grabbing the back of my shirt and tugging me away with him.
I choked, pulling my collar away from me so I could breathe.

My eyes widened even more and I felt it slowly roll to the back of my head.
"Why are w-we run-ning?" I stuttered.

"Let's go somewhere quiet, hurry!" He ignored my question.

I stopped in my tracks.
"You're not having any perverted thoughts are you?"

"UGH." He facepalmed and we continued running.

My breath started getting heavier. This is way harder than I thought it'd be.
Sure, I'm fast, but my endurance is so much weaker now.
This goes the same with Steven too since he's a human after all.

This time, Steven stopped abruptly and I did too, almost toppling over.

He was breathing hard and had both hands on his knees, panting like a dog.
"I can't do it anymore. These agents are fast."

I raised my eyebrow.
"...agents? Does that mean that—"

"Yes. The other agents from the academy are here to kill you." Steven slowly took out a shiny black baton with a green snake carving on it.

"You...are you gonna kill me? Did you bring me out to kill?"

He chuckled. "You lost your powers didn't you? If I wanted to kill you, it'll happen in a split second. Right now, you're nothing. I'm here to protect you."

Protect...that was one word I've never heard in my entire life.

"And how are you going to do that?" I asked, as the agents started piling in one by one.
I recognized none of the agents.

Steven blew a strand of loose hair over his face.
"I assisted in making weapons for the Eccentrics and so I know how to use it. Even if I'm missing combat abilities, I've got something that you don't have." He hesitated for a moment.
"Power. "

His serious face made me draw back as the agents all had their eyes on me.
Steven stepped in front so now they were looking at him.

"Watch closely, Raymond. How I use each weapon that I carry today."

I nodded and we slowly backed away.
One agent raised their hand a little bit.

"If I drop a weapon, pick it up. You lost magic but you still have combat."

Steven threw his baton in the air and it grew into a massive spear.


Without hesitation, he screamed, running headfirst into the agents.
They quickly dodged and took out earplugs.

The fuck? What for?

Steven was about to land a solid hit when the agent with his hand up emitted a booming sound.
My head felt like it was rocking back and forth and the ground trembled.

KarmaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon