Her 'Plan'

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Raymond's POV:
We were in another different place. We were in a trance. I just knew it. But why? Why did Dr. Cory make us weak on purpose?

I questioned myself as I stared at complete darkness in front of me.

There was no light, nothing at all. I couldn't even see my hands since it was so dark.

"Hello? Anyone here?" I yelled.

"Over here!"

"I'm here!"

A whole bunch of voices could be heard in the distance.

"Are we trapped here? What happened?" A male voice said, sounding panicked.

A female voice responded. "I don't know?"
For some reason, the statement came out as a question instead.

I could hear a familiar voice trying to reach out to me too. It was James.

"Ray! Where are you?"

"Over here!"

"Over where?—oompf. Uh sorry dude...or ma'm. Yeahhh Ray I don't think I could find you."

I yelled out. "Does anyone here have actual light power?"

A female voice slowly spoke up. "I-I do but I don't really know how to get it to come back."

I sighed. "Who here uses echolocation?"

"Me. But like that girl said, I dunno how to trigger my power."

Another sigh escaped from someone else. "I think we all don't know how to trigger our powers again since we did it in terms of danger. That might be why we're brought here."

"I do. But mine serves no purpose at the moment." James spoke up.

Murmurs suddenly filled the place.
So....Dr. Cory wasn't evil after all?
Or maybe she wants us to think that....okay probably not.

"Guys, it's a wall!"

"What?" Someone asked.

"A wall. Everybody reach both of your arms out."

What? I raised both my arms, and something cool and rough touched my hand. I rubbed it alongside and grinned.

"He's right! We can get out of here.
But that's weird...I swear there was no wall here."

My hand suddenly shifted from the right to in front of me, and the realization dawned on me.

I could hear a few gasps, and James spoke up. "There's not...because the room is changing. It's a maze in here."

I frowned. "This is no help at all. "

"Oh, I get it! Dr. Cory is putting us into this maze so we could finally figure out how to leave this place. That would mean...we have to rely on—"

"Me." The girl that said she had light powers said hopelessly.
I remembered her voice.

"I don't know how to get it to shine." Her voice shook with panic.

"It's ok, we just have to uhm....perform the same danger that you experienced." A high-pitched girl's voice said.

"No way."

"Why not?"

"Because I was bitten by a snake."
She stretched the word 'snake' like it was a nightmare.

I mean, she's not to blame. We both didn't die.

"Awards go to Raymond Lyder and strange girl for.....

I imagined a whole scenario of earning my not dying award.

My daydream was ripped up into a million pieces by the damn girl's voice again.

Fine, no award for you.

"I'm doing it!" She exclaimed.

"I don't know how but I'M DOING IT!"

A small light of ball floated above someone's hand that I could now finally see.

She raised it up a little to show her soft, delicate face features. She smiled and threw the ball of light into the air.

We watched in amazement as the room gradually lit up, showing all of us standing together, but far away.

The room started shifting again so now the walls blocked each other's views.

"Oh c'mon!" James whined in defeat.

"Let's go, it's a maze." Someone said.

"Use your powers to find the exit. If I can do it, so can you." The girl said.

This is what Dr. Cory wants us to do.

Are you happy we're lost now?

I power walked across the now lit path. The ball of light still shimmered above and we were now literally,
And I mean literally,
In a maze.

I hate puzzles since I can't figure anything out for god's sake, so me being in one of them? Doesn't feel so great.
Speed would be the best power in here right now.

I sighed. How is lightning supposed to help me out of this situation?
That's right. It can't.

Most of the other powers could easily help with this. I'm considering mine as a fail.

I took a step, but, as soon as my feet touched the ground, a large heavy thump is made.

I listened closely and walked slower, landing my feet gently on the rusty floor. Another thump followed.


"Anybody here with me?" I yelled.
No answer.

I shrugged and started walking again. The same thumps follow after my steps. I took off running and the exact tune and rhythmic pattern came afterwards.

What is going on here?!

My legs were starting to give up on me and since I didn't know why exactly I was running, I just stop. Because, what harm could it be?

I crouched down on the floor and tapped it twice.

Two thuds.

I tapped it 4 times.

Four thuds.

I was in confusion and the room started to change angles again.

"I WAS JUST FIGURIN IT OUT!" Someone yelled.

This woman always be tryna make our lives hard.

I scratched the floor and the most insanely thing happened.
A ripping sound followed after I had scratched it.

I scratched it again, only to find the same result.

Suddenly, a gentle wind blew my hair from the back, and a snorting sound can be heard.

It also stinks.
But less than me.

Turning slowly around, I was faced with something that I thought never existed. Something so large, I couldn't see it all together fully with my weak two eyes.

I gasped as I yelled out as loud as I can.
Sorry, short chapter :/
What creature(s) do you think he's faced with? Leave it down below!!!

By the way, MADE YOU GUYS BELIEVE SHE'S EVIL :P ...ok maybe not cause I'm the only stupid one here ;-;

Remember to:

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