Same but Different

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I never knew that I'll be dreading school for different reasons.
I don't know why, and I don't know how.
Are they planning to all bully me at the same time now?
Because like, everyone in the entire school has learned my name.
I'm not even exaggerating.



And apparently a lot of people are tagging me from behind now. I can feel eyes on me.
The trainings didn't go to waste ok?
Some were even murmuring my names.

Are they setting enchantments on me? Maybe they have a voodoo doll up their sleeves right now. Maybe I'm about to fall into a hole at any minute.

"RAYMOND! COME HANG WITH US LATER DUDE." I was in a daze until some guy yelled.

I jumped. Goddamn. Who yells that loud besides a girl in my class?
Note: She has one of those funky powers where she can screech and make the Earth rumble.
And see, they know me. I don't know them.
But other than that....
Hang with us?

They'd probably shove my head down a toilet.
"No thanks." I murmured, giving them my best glare.

This school has demons.
And the worst part is, Gary and James already got close to their suspects/victims on the FIRST day of school. So guess what? THEY'RE HANGING OUT WITH THEM RIGHT NOW.
All by myself...

How the fuck?
I can't even get one person to stop looking at me.
I got no food crumbs on my face. I ain't no demon. So why?

Don't mind me, I'm just internally screaming my lungs out.

When I was about to start crouching down and bury my head in my arms, there was another crash.
Kind of similar to the one that happened yesterday.
And if I was right on this one, it's probably goddamn Eliot getting into trouble again.

Like c'mon man, you're a senior in high-school and you can't even defend yourself. I felt kind of bad that he was the only one being bullied so far, not like anyone else should be.

I walked to where the sound was located at, with a look of boredom on my face.
I was angry yesterday, but I'm not about to be angry again.
It'll totally make me bullied sooner.

"Get lost you piece of crap." A tall, buff dude said.
He had one of those typical fuck-boy hair styles. You know, those brown ruffled smooth hair.
Not to mention that extreme jawline that I can feel cutting into my skin. Thank god I got some self-healing powers.
And those bright blue eyes.

...I'm straight I swear.

But other than that, he had a nasty scowl on his face.
Next to that dude was the same rude ass girl I saw yesterday.
Everybody guess who it is.
Just take a guess.

Yes it's the smoking Hannah.
Fucking Hannah.
This girl doesn't learn her lesson.
She's a sophomore I believe, but she ain't some tough shit.

I'll show her some tough shit when I shit a ton of shit on her.

Okay that's disgusting. Forget I said that.
I'm not gross either, I swear.

That dude next to her is definitely Cobin. I heard that they are together most times.
And I was right. Eliot is laying right in the middle of the ground, with once again, a group of students hurdled around.

These people, and the damn teachers too.
Where are they?
They should all be fired. And what the fuck is the principal doing for his/her job? Sitting there drinking coffee and watching the show?

I breathed in to sustain my short temper, if that makes any sense.
Because you know, if I get too angry, I might accidentally electrocute everyone here.
I mean it's not like I want to electrocute everyone here anyway...ha...ha..

Some people spotted me standing there watching Eliot on the ground. Probably expecting me to step in or something.
I'm not sure if I want to do that again though.

It feels awkward to be the only one helping someone. Yes, I know, I'm supposed to get close to Eliot anyway.
But look, I ruined my clothes yesterday saving his ass.
And fashion for me, is critical.
There's no blood today, but still.

Eliot laid whimpering on the ground like a lost puppy, his legs kicking back and forth.
Hannah placed one of her dirty ass foot on Eliot's head, smudging her dirty ass shoe all over his face.

There's nothing more dirty than a smoking 15 year old bully.
My opinion.

"Why don't you just stay home boy? So none of us would see your useless face."


That's just...damn.

The guy laughed along like it was the funniest thing ever.
"I, Cobin Rich, can help you with moving out of the states."

Ah, so he is Cobin.
Cobin "Rich"...HA.
Rich my ass.

Arrogant people always introduce themselves like that before you even get the chance to ask them.
Fun fact, no one fucking cares who he is.


Actually...I think I might also need his address and his phone number.
It's not like I'm gonna beat him up for's just for educational purposes.
I swear.

Cobin and Hannah continued to kick Eliot over to the side.
Back and forth.
It was like they were doing soccer drills with his poor self.

"S...stop." I could hear Eliot say.
But I'm pretty sure no one else heard it because they were all making sounds of
"I need to film this."
"That must've hurt."
"This is gold."

And I was going like, "I'm gonna kick all of your asses later."
But of course, they didn't hear that either.

It's really such a struggle not being able to use your lightning powers in this human world.
Do I really have to help him again?
I mean, he's just laying on the floor.

I sighed.
And coincidentally, all of my Academy's classmates are gone right now too.
I'm starting to think this schedule was set up by Dr. Cory somehow, to get me closer to Eliot.

I hesitantly started walking to where Cobin was at.
Oh shit.
Now that I walked here, what should I do?
Should I befriend him first and walk out with Eliot?
Yes right?
But how should I do it....?


"Hey." I said in a deep tone.
Cobin looked up as to say "what?"

I placed the middle finger out at his face.
It's the right finger, right? It means friendship.
Cobin looked up at me with a semi-shocked face.

What? What's so surprising of wanting to be his friend?

"DAYUM...NEW GUY JUST FLIPPED HIM OFF!" Someone yelled from the crowds.
The rest was filled with people saying "OOOOO".

I was so confused.
What's gooooodddddd?
Here's another chapter for you all so enjoy!

And remember to


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