Got Guts

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The figure wavered a bit, like it was smoke in the air.
I looked around. Why is everyone gone now? It's just Tiffany and I.

The black shadow lurched over, crackling in laughter.
"What's so funny?" I asked.

It didn't reply.
I pursed my lips and Tiffany and I exchanged looks.

I didn't want to fight that thing. Who knows what the heck it is...
Besides, what if someone happens to see?
Even if there weren't any students right now, the possibility of getting spotted was still likely.

"Ignorant fools." The figure spat.

Huh? What did he say?
"This motherfuc—" I felt a hand hold me back.

It was Tiffany, she gave me a worried glance and I backed up.
'Bastard' I mouthed.

"What do you want from us?" I asked like a bratty 5 year old.

It chuckled again, and suddenly stopped mid-way.
"Not you. Her."

Tiffany's eyes were wide open.

Mine were squinted in confusion.
"The fuck are you saying...."
I scratched my head.

"Why would you want this gir—"

"STOP SPOUTING NONSENSE! I want her blood."

I felt the ground tremble, and I almost got knocked off balance.
Can't let my guard down.

Shit how does he know....?
Fuck don't panic.

"Man shut up." I rolled my eyes.
My hands were clenched tightly to keep myself from shaking.

"Academy  what what?"

The figure didn't have a face, but I could tell it was confused.

I could see goosebumps forming on Tiffany's arms, but she held her head high.

"I don't know who you are, but leave before I call the cops." She spoke, her voice not shaking in the least.

But the figure seemed to ignore what she said.
It stepped forward.

The ghastly black smoke around it dispersed, to show a body of a human.
The body of...Eliot? How? Another one of his inventions?

"That's right." The corner of his lips curved up as he looked at Tiffany.
"You can't say anything can you?"

Eliot turned to face me, his face shirted back to his innocent form.
"Raymond she's dangerous. Stay away from her."

Mhm sure. Says the one who was a shadow earlier.

"Where's Paul by the way? And why are you hanging out with her?" Eliot asked, pouting.

Tiffany looked at him in disgust.
I glanced at the burn mark on the side of Eliot's eyes.
"He had something to do. I don't know who she is. We bumped into each other by accident."

Tiffany gave me a look of 'are you fucking kidding me?'

Eliot looked at me with a face I couldn't decipher. Almost as if he believed me but didn't at the same time.

His head turned back around to Tiffany, who jumped.
"You attacked me? Remember?"


I could tell she didn't even bother to hide it anymore. "Cause you deserve it you bastard." She spat.

Eliot looked at her, his pupils dilated a bit.
It was scary.
He grabbed her chin, tilting her face upwards.
"Who's the guy the other day?"

Tiffany looked up at him in hatred.

The guy?
What guy?

Is he talking about...
"The one who killed over ten of my friends."

Please don't look over at me Tiff.
Please don't tell him.

"He's..." she started.

I clenched my jaw.
"Eliot why are you doing this?"

He looked over at me, his expression softened.
He shouldn't know it was me.
Thank god I covered my face that day.

"She hurt me Raymond. I have to fight back right? I can't always be the one being bullied. Someone...needs to take my place."

He walked over to me and smiled.
"Aren't you happy for me? I'm finally fighting back."

I pursed my lips.
"Don't worry Raymond. Whatever happens, just continue supporting me."
He held onto my hands and leaned in for a kiss.

Holy shit. When can I stop with this weak innocent guy loving act of mine?

I slightly pushed Eliot's hand away from mine and crouched down.
"Ahhh...I suddenly got a foot cramp. Must be standing for too long."

I secretly breathed out a sigh of relief.
There ain't no way in hell ima kiss my enemy.

Eliot looked down at me and frowned.
"You should go to the nurse." He said.

I smiled and nodded.
"See you then."

I started walking away and could feel Eliot's eyes on my back.

He was making sure that I left before he go crazy berserk.

By the way...why didn't Tiffany leave?
I took a little glance over my shoulder.

Eliot's back on me.
Tiffany...on the ground.
There were handcuffs.

"This crazy bastard." I muttered under my breath.
This episode is a bit shorter than usual :/

But don't let this distract you from what we always do :3


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