Ready...Set...I'm Not Ready

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She suddenly broke eye contact with the piece of chicken bone, and turned her head towards me.

I did the same after picking up that sad piece of bone.

"Raymond." Tiffany looked at me all serious.
Kinda scared me a little.


"Even though you killed Elliot...even though..."
I raised my eyebrow.
"You did it for my sake." Tiffany suddenly grabbed both of my hands, her eyes on the verge of tears.

Jeez calm down woman.

Gary's jaw dropped wide open, a few strings of pasta drooping out.

I wanted to close the mouth, but goddamn Tiffany's hands were tightly wrapped around mine.

"Thank you Raymond...Thank yo—" She sputtered as I yanked my hands free.

I stammered, turning around back to face a gorilla looking Gary.

Reaching over, I slapped Gary's face until he closed his mouth.
"Disgusting." I whispered.

Tiffany dragged a chair near me and looked at her pasta awkwardly.
Seriously. Just eat the damn food.

I tsk-ed, grabbing her plate and shoving the food into my mouth.
She looked at me in horror.
Gary's jaw dropped open again.
And once more, I slammed it back closed.

"Hey you weren't gonna eat it anyway." I shrugged, then felt a cool sensation running up my spine.

At first it was a refreshing cool.
Then a bit colder.
And then—"FUCK!"

I stood up dramatically, shaking the table.
Everyone looked at me for a few seconds, then turning back to talk with their friends again.

My head turned a 90 degree angle counterclockwise to face James.
His hand was trailed along at my skin, my back to be precise.
If you didn't understand it...

James had his hand under my shirt, under my back.
How did this happen? I don't fucking know.


He blinked several times.
"No pun intended." I whispered.

Gary's jaw dropped open.
"James are you gay..?"

I smacked his mouth closed again.

James smirked, then looked at me, and frowned.
"Why did you steal the lady's food?"

Ah...lady my ass...her grip is strong as shit.

I ignored his question.

Gary's eyes sparkled as he started bouncing all around.
James facepalmed.

"This dude is over 20 years old." He muttered.


"Still...did you think I forgot about what happened?" James' eyes suddenly flickered a blue as he crouched eye level to me.

Tiffany budged in.
"I gave him the pasta. Really."

He didn't look at her but continued staring at me right in my eyes.
"You...BARF IT UP FOR HER." He hollered, grabbing me by the neck.

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