The Memory

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When Steward started walking to school, I felt like I was being a stalker or something cause I kept following him.

But it doesn't actually count as stalking if you're following yourself right?

The whole time behind Steward, I tried sending electricity to my hands.
But nothing.
I even tried major spells that could electrocute someone and kill them.
Heck, I tried that on Steward. I could've killed myself if it worked.

I tried every thing but it was all in vain.
I was useless.
I had the ability of a human, but the body of a ghost.

What crappy bullshit hell I live in.

Shortly after, I felt a cold rush again when I realized that Steward suddenly stopped in his tracks.
And I went through him again.

Ugh. I'm not used to this yet.

Steward smiled as if trying to reassure himself, and started entering the school.
I followed.

I wish I didn't.

The halls were crowded with students, trying to get to their advisory classes.
I felt a constant cold rush going through my bodies with so many people walking.
It was nauseous.

I placed my hand on the wall and gasped.

Then I realized...
holy shit I actually feel something.

Does this mean my body goes through anything but not walls? What kind of ghost can't go through walls?

I'm telling you, I live in a bullshit world.
I breathed in and out to regain my consciousness.
But Steward was walking shifted to the side.
Everyone who spotted him gave him nasty glares and some laughed looking at him.
No...some laughed looking at me.

This is why I'm paranoid returning back to school. Behind my back, I probably have them mocking at me and planning to abuse me in the worst possible ways.

Sure I'm strong, but I don't want what happened in the past to be like now.
If I were to say it truthfully, I'm traumatized.

We soon appeared in front of the school, but before I could enter, Steward collided with the ground.
His was faced down.

A bunch of senior looking guys laughed as they entered their rooms.
Fuck those people.

I wanted to help Steward up until I realized that I couldn't.
Seriously I need to leave this place.

When Steward stood back up and rubbed his cheeks, he entered the room and I followed.
I felt like an intruder.

He frantically searched inside his bag and sighed.
Then Steward got up.

Where is he going?
Or, where was I going?

Steward reached a desk with a pencil and thirstily snatched it, literally screaming "PWETTY".
I blinked several times.

Why does this situation sound so familiar?

I can't quite point my finger on it.

In a few minutes, a guy walked in with a smirk on his face.
He yelled something but I couldn't hear since I wasn't paying attention. I was instead paying attention to myself, who had wide eyes and was staring at a desk.

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