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Got nothing to say for this one, except for, have fun reading. ;)

The bunkers lights went back on. Dean looked around a smirk on his face, as he walked down the hallway the hammer in his hand scraping against the walls.

This game of hide and seek was beginning to get boring, he had way better things to do. Just first he had to find Sam and finish him, his little brother had gotten enough warnings.

Soon, he finally zeroed in on his target, his once passionate feelings for his lover and brother gone and dissolved into annoyance, and hatred. His brother was just like an annoying nat that just kept coming back.

He crept up behind Sam, ready to swing his hammer. Sam turned around his eyes widening in surprise, just when he was about to duck, still holding Ruby's knife in his hand, Dean smashed the hammer into Sam's skull.

Blood spattered onto the wall and Dean stood over, Sam's limp body, smirking, "Warned ya, Sammy."

He dropped the bloody hammer, starting to walk away, "Goodnight." He muttered feeling an immense relief he had gotten rid of one pest.

Cas then popped in front of him, "Dean, what have you done?"

Dean scowled, "I've done what I've had too," his eyes flashed black, and Cas' blue right when he lunged for his once beloved angel friend.

Nothing mattered anymore.

-Flashback End-

Dean now sat in the corner of his cell, stuck between feeling human emotions, but yet still a demon.

His emotions battled with his demonic side, the guilt overwhelming him.

It didn't help the fact that Crowley's, and Cas' bodies were in the same room, from where he broke out of his straps and mutilated them both.

Now he was truly alone, the body of his love just down the hallway. The darkness seemed to grow more, along with the guilt.

A single tear slid down his face and landed on his forever bloodied hands.

It was time to say goodbye to the days from the past.

And from his blood stained hands, he wrote.

                       Goodbye, Sam

                       Goodbye, Cas

                       Goodbye, Crowley

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