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I know it's not even close to Halloween  but what evs. Oh, and I was wondering... should I make holiday specials? But anyways this was requested by @GaurdianOfFantasy. I'll also make Dean twenty so Sam will be sixteen. Anyways hope you how this turned out.
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"Aren't we a bit old for this?" Sam asked looking at Dean with his eyebrows raised.

"When is anyone "too" old to get free candy?" Dean replied adding air quotes.

Sam rolled his eyes before looking at the angel costume he was wearing, "Why do are we dressing up as an angel and devil again?"

Dean shrugged,"Dunno, thought it'd be...cute and besides you look hot."

Sam blushed a little before looking away muttering under his breath.

Dean smirked as he put on some red devil horns.

"Do I have to wear the halo? It's too...cliché..." Sam complained but soon shut up to the look his brother gave him.

"Yes, you do. Now let's go trick or treating." Dean stated earning an eye roll from Sam.

"Fine, let's go."

×××Timeskip brought to you by the Impala×××

After a little while Dean and Sam walked back into the motel.

"Well, that was fun." Dean smirked a bit.

"Yeah, it was." Sam admitted smiling a bit looking at Dean,"Despite that lady who threw hard candies at us for being creeps way too old for trick or treating."

Dean shrugged opening up a Butterfinger and popping it into his mouth. Sam dropped his candy bag onto the floor not giving much interest in the candy.

"You don't want your candy?" Dean asked eyeing Sam's back before looking over at him.

"Well, I'm not gonna go to my chubby self again. I'll have a few before handing them over." Sam shrugged while Dean raised his eyebrows.

"Suit yourself." Dean grinned a little before opening up another candy bar sitting beside Sam.

"It's nice having a day off..." Sam trailed off looking at Dean.

"Yeah," Dean agreed a small smilte lingering on his face, "It's relaxing...."

Sam smiled at his older brother his heart swelling with love. It wasn't common when he got to spend quality time with his brother without risking their lives every given moment.

"I love you, Dee. You know that right?" Sam suddenly blurred out.

Dean looked over at Sam looking him in the eye,"Of course I do Sammy. I love you too."

Sam smiled before leaning in and pressing his lips against Dean's. Dean instantly responded kissing back; though Sam soon pulled away giving a smile at Dean.

"This was the best Halloween ever."

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