Swear Jar

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So this was requested by @GaurdianofFantasy . Sorry that your request took such a long time to make, School's been a b***h lately. This sadly will be short, amd I apologize. Anyways I hope this is what you expected and hope you like!
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Dean grumbled, as he placed a dollar into the jar which was labeled, 'The Swear Jar'. His younger brother seemed to have enough of his brother's swearing, which has noticeably increased since he had gotten the Mark of Cain.

Every swear word seemed to have a "price" tag on it. The more mild swear word the less he had to put in, the more "severe" it was the more it cost.

He glared at Sam, not happy about having to put his own money in the jar. He wasn't a kid anymore, he could swear all he liked, but apparently Sam didn't like it and put the new system in. Though there was one good side to his new system.

Dean grinned when he felt Sam give him a small kiss.

Dean knew that this system wasn't going to work well, as he would just swear more, to gt more kisses from his Sam after he placed the amount of money he owed into the jar.

"You're just so fucking adorable, you know that Sammy?" Dean smirked looking over at Sam.

Sam shook his head smiling, "I know, Dean, you've said that loads of times," he got up and took the jar and placed it in front of Dean,"Gotta pay up...again,"

Dean smirked placing four dollars into the jar, "It's adorable, how you think this "swear jar" system's going to work,"

Sam sighed shaking his head after placing it down on the nearest flat surface.

Dean smirked before kissing Sam, "You're just too fucking adorable for your own good," he repeated.

Before Sam could open his mouth again, Dean placed the money into the jar. Sam schook his head before giving Dean a small kiss. Sam knew he couldn't stop Dean from swearing, not now not ever.

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