I sat up abruptly, my hair tufting around my face and I blew it away in aggravation, the only man brave enough to knock again would be Thor, so I prepared myself to kick his ass.

I threw my legs over my bed and made my way to my door, fully prepared to kill him where he stood.

"Thor, what the hell do you-"

To my surprise when I jerked open the door, Loki was standing with an amused sneer on his face, who looked down at my roughed hair and angry expression and stifled a laugh. I flinched at the sight of him and tried to shove my anger down so I would not do something I would regret. "L-loki-" I exhaled in surprise."Hello, my dear." He says, a smirk thick in his tone. His voice took on a flirtatious drawl, and I began to fear if he tries to aggravate me I won't be able to hold my tongue. "My liege, what brings you here?" I ask, at this unholy hour, I wanted to add but help my tongue. "No need to be so formal, you can just call me Loki." He says, a sly grin curling his lips.  "Ah, yes of course." I say, smiling sheepishly and rubbing the back of my head. "And to answer your question, I found this." He says, holding something in his hand I hadn't noticed before- my sword. I stared at Dygö with my mouth wide, then I jerked my head behind me to my empty scabbard that I'd kicked off with my armor. Had I not just had it moments ago? I'd never forgotten it anywhere before. I looked back at him and graciously accepted my sword that was extended in his hand. "U-um, thank you," I stuttered, still shocked I'd forgotten my most prized possession, I thought back, when did I have it last? I know I did at least moments ago with Thor, could I have dropped it in the hall?

"I found it in the dungeons if you were curious," Loki said, then I remembered that I had left it against the wall. I was so out of it I'd forgotten my sword, I stroked Dygö's hilt, as if to apologize to it. "Thank you, lord. Truly." I said, finally looking up. He nodded. "I thought you never ventured anywhere without your beloved sword." He smirked, propping his elbow on the doorframe, I frowned at his gesture. "It's not as if I could lose it, Dygö always returns to my hand." I said, making my point by holding my sword in my left hand then swiping my right, and Dygö conjured in my right and disappeared from my left. Loki's lip tugged up in amusement. "What a loyal piece of steel," he commented, and I rolled my eyes and smiled as I twisted Dygö in my hands.

"What were you doing in the dungeons, anyway?" I piped, the thought coming into my head suddenly. He grinned at me then, pushing his tongue through his two front teeth. "Oh you know, visiting friends," Loki sneers, I exhaled a brief laugh and brushed it off. "Well, I won't keep you a moment longer at this unholy hour," Loki said, tilting his eyebrows up at me when he threw my thoughts back at me. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, but he just scoffed before dipping his shoulders in a mocking bow before turning to leave. "Wait, Loki?" I call, grabbing his hand before he leaves. "Thank you for the gifts." I say. He looks down at my hand that grasps him and I jerk it away, shyly pulling it behind my back. "My pleasure" And after that, he was gone, and not long afterward, I collapsed onto my sofa, not even bothering walk a few feet to the bed.


The next day seemed to drag on, though I usually love my duties and give them my full attention, I seemed to be in a daze all day, thinking about Loki in my room the night before. I tried not to let myself think of it very long, for the interrogation of my own men needed my full attention, I drifted off far more than I intended. Thor seemed to notice and said "Not in it today, my dear Lady Lyra?" He chuckles. I smile at him. "I guess I just slept weirdly, I don't know what has gotten into me." I say sheepishly.

Thor looks at me with a knowing look. "Let us gather some guards to check Asgardian homes, we do not know whether or not we have a traitor here in Asgard." Thor says. I almost scoffed. "I still can't believe you left Delian off the hook. He couldn't have been more incriminating," I said, crossing my arms as I faced him, he smirked. "The sword does not make mistakes, you of all people should know that." He said pointedly, I sigh deeply and nodded, running my fingers absentmindedly on the hilt of Dygö. I nod again, fulfilling the order he gave me.
After a long day of searching for the escaped Frost Giants, we finally called it a day. We had almost searched all of Asgard, but no luck. We questioned everyone on guard duty that night, but to no avail. I went to the training grounds to make up for the training I missed out on, but no one was there, probably because of how late it was. I unsheathe Dygö and hold it in my hand, shifting my feet in a battle position when a voice spoke in my head. "It's a little late to be training" It startled me and I whipped my head to the side, raising my sword in a battle ready position. When I bumped into Loki, I was so embarrassed I stumbled backwards, running into the rack of double bladed swords.

The Light To His Lies (Loki)Where stories live. Discover now