Chapter 18 : To find again someone you lost.

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And he was asking himself if his employer would be able to support it or not.

The doctor tried to give him a confident smile, which didn't really work.

"Yes, of course Igor, I'm fine."

He was lying.

Of course, he was lying.

Before Igor could say anything more, Rumplestiltskin then entered in the room.

Victor Frankenstein immediately frowned, not recognizing him the second he saw him, before shrugging, not really caring about the way his skin looked like.

"Doctor ! I am happy to meet you again. How are things for you ?"

"Not really good, he admitted, completely sincere. I brought back my brother, but it didn't work the way I wanted to. He is still terribly suffering from the side effects of being alive again."

Rumple raised an eyebrow, not really expecting it.

"Oh... so it did work, in the end, right ?"

"Yes, it did. And I still don't know if I have to thank you or not, in fact.

- Well, then, just congratulate yourself, after all, I did nothing important at all. I just gave you the opportunity to get a magic heart, which would make it work, you're the one who did all the work of researches, after all. You did a good job, doctor."

Victor just had an ironic laugh.

"You know what ? I am not even sure of that now. I succeeded, yes... but to what price ? My brother is not himself anymore, he is living without really living, he is in pain. And I can't heal him."

Rumplestiltskin thought about it for some seconds.

"So... he is still alive, right ?

- Yes.

- But he is not well...

- Oh hell, no !

- You see... I think I could help you...

- How ?

- My magic. It could make him feel better. I mean, you already brought him back, I wouldn't have so many things to do."

Hope appeared in the doctor's eyes, before he frowned, suspicious.

"Wait... you want to help me ? Why would you want to do this ? Aren't you the Dark One in your world ? You're not really known for your desire to help people."

After all, Jefferson told him some things about the wizard, after he came in the Enchanted Forest, as they began seeing each other after this first encounter.

Rumplestiltskin rolled his eyes.

"You've got a point, he admitted. But, I will tell you this, as I tell it to almost everyone, I changed. I am not the Dark One anymore, I make myself be called the Sorcerer, and yes, I do want to help people now. And as I can see it now, you need help.

- Oh, you think so ? He asked him, ironic, and almost cynical.

- Oh, sarcasm doctor ? Well, at least, you're still yourself, if you still can make jokes about yourself. First, you need to sleep."

Indeed, it was clear that the doctor hadn't sleep since days, since there were dark rings under his eyes, and it was really difficult for him to stand up and to listen carefully to his interlocutor.

"If you accept to trust me, then, I will make you come in my world, where you would try to rest, and where I would try to cure your brother from... well, from what he is suffering of. Are you okay about it ?"

Please, don't spoil everything this time.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt