Episode 12- Part 1-Challenge 12

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VC-Cesaro-So its been two days since Paige got taken away and....we have no idea where she is. We dont know if she's in the country or if she's back in England and we still dont know whats going to happen to us.

"I cant believe she did all of that because of Elias and Billie." Dana said.

"I know right." Dolph replied, "Why cant these girls move on? I mean all the guys here are pieces of shit. Including myself."

"True that." said Sasha.

"You girls have attachment issues." Dean said.

Everyone fell silent as they noticed Shane entered the living room.

"Uh oh." said Roman, seeing him.

"Round everybody up." Shane ordered.

After a few minutes, all 17 remaining house mates were gathered together.

"So, Im guessing you know why im here." Shane said.

"No. Why?" asked Dean.

"Because of your friend Paige."

"Is she okay?" asked AJ.

"Paige is fine. Production took her to a hotel to stay for a couple of days. Now, she laid her hands on multiple people here which is not tolerated by the producers of this show at all. She also broke some furniture. The producers declared her a threat to everyone in this house and.....opted for her to leave the show." he informed.

Everyone's jaw dropped.

"So....what does this mean for us?" Renee asked.

"Well, since theres only one week left, they have decided to let Paige stay for the rest of the show instead."

"Oh thank god." Chris said in relief.

"The producers have a question for all of you though. Do you want Paige back in the house for the rest of the week? If yes, she'll move back in and if no, she'll stay at a hotel room."

"Oh man." Cesaro said as he rubbed his chin.

"Decide quick guys." Shane said.

"You heard it yourself." Alexa said, "She's a threat. We all saw what she did to Billie. She's insane. I say she should stay at the hotel."

"I agree. If she did it once, she can do it again." Billie agreed.

"Paige should be given a second chance. Maybe she's crazy but that doesnt mean we should kick her out. We all came here together so lets all stay together." said TJ.

"What did she have sex with you too?" Alexa scoffed, "She cant be trusted."

"Guys she's not a lunatic. I say we should have her back in the house. I mean come on, there's only a few more days left." Seth said.

"I agree." Sasha said.

"Okay we're going to do this by the show of hands. How many of you dont want Paige back in the house?" Shane asked.

Alexa, Billie, Jojo and Dana were the only ones who raised their hands.

"If she stays at the hotel, will she still be able to take part in the challenges and Truth Booths and stuff?" Chris asked.


"Oh then I dont really care where she goes."

"Well clearly most of you want her back in the house so, she will be back but under heavy security supervision. However, if she pulls another stunt like this, she's a goner."

Everyone nodded as Alexa groaned.

VC-Alexa-Things never go my way....ever.

Challenge 12-The final challenge.

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