Chapter 13

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I looked over at Jay who was stood still staring at the ground, his breathing still heavy. I looked out the window to see the beach, which was starting to get busy, before walking out the door. I went straight to my hotel room and packed all my things in a bag. I headed out the room and out the hotel. I saw a taxi parked out the front and so climbed in. ‘The airport please’ I said. I was going to get the first plane out of here, I had finally realised how much drama I had caused.


After I had had a drink and calmed down I decided to go and find Tom. I knew what he had done was wrong but I also knew he didn’t mean to cause all this trouble. I went to his room and knocked but there was no answer. I saw a maid cart in the corridor, and the maid’s door key was on top. I made sure no one had saw before taking it and opening Tom’s door. I knew straightaway he was gone. All of his things were gone, everything from the draws and the wardrobe. I tried to ring his mobile but it was switched off. I had a feeling he had gone to the airport but I needed to tell the others. I knew Becky was in the hotel but I didn’t want to speak to her, after she had upset Nathan like that. I tried ringing their phones but annoyingly no one answered. I had to go to the town and find them myself.


I was shocked at what Tom and Becky had done and I felt really sorry for Amber. We decided to drag Max into every clothes shop we came across.

‘Eurghh! This is the sixth one now, it’s too hot. I’m just going to wait outside’ he moaned before walking out the shop. ‘Boys!’ I said laughing.


I was sat on the wall outside the shop waiting for the girls to come out. Then I spotted Nathan and Jordan coming out of the restaurant next door. ‘NATH!’ I shouted. He looked round and saw me. They both came over.

‘What are you two doing out together? Anyone would think you were up to something’ I said giving them both a cheeky wink. ‘That is not even funny Max’ said Nathan raising his eyebrows. Just then Abi and Amber came out the shops. We were all talking for a while before Abi pointed something out.

‘Isn’t that Jay?’ she said pointing somewhere in the distance. ‘Where?’ I said squinting. ‘There. Running towards us’ she said. And then I could see him. He was trying not to crash into anyone as he made his way up the long winding street. I looked round to see Jordan turn around and walk off but Nathan grabbed her wrist.

‘Where are you going?’ he said. ‘Anywhere but here if he’s coming.’ She replied attempting to walk off again. This time Nathan grabbed both her wrists and pulled her forward. ‘Just hear him out yeah? He wanted to tell you about his ex he really did but he just wasn’t ready to yet.’ She sighed and Nathan saw this as defeat so he reluctantly let go off her. Just then Jay skidded to a halt in front of us. He was all sweaty and out of breath.

‘Tom... gone... he didn’t say where to’ he finished before sitting on the floor. He was struggling to breathe. I knew he had asthma when he was little but it hadn’t bothered him for years. I looked over to Jordan who was watching him. She noticed me watching her and looked at me. I nodded my head for her to go over and straightaway she rushed over and sat next to him. She got a bottle of water out of her bag and handed it to him. Nathan looked at me with a smirk, he knew they would never break up.

‘You seem to be calming down now Jay, we will give you some space. We’re just going up to the shop at on the corner, meet us there yeah?’ said Amber before dragging the others away. I smiled at Jordan before following the others up the road.


I rubbed Jay’s back as he drunk the water. I suggested we go into the shade to cool off so we jumped over the wall onto the beach. We found a parasol and sat under it. ‘I never knew you suffered with asthma, you really scared me’ I said pulling him into a hug. I looked at his face and his beautiful blue eyes, how could I have ever been angry with him? ‘And I’m sorry for over reacting. That was a big thing and I understand you weren’t ready to tell me yet.’ I pushed his curls off his forehead to check his temperature. ‘You’re boiling. I think you need to take your top off’ I instructed smiling. He took his top off and put his arms around me. ‘I’m so sorry. I never want to lose you, you know that right? I love you Jordan.’ And he kissed me. We kissed for about a minute before breaking apart for breath. ‘Let’s catch up with the others and see if we can find out where Tom is.’ Jay said standing up. He put his hand out and I took it pulling myself up. We walked back to the shop hand in hand.

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