Chapter 27

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I led Jordan up the stairs. I pulled her into Tom’s room as his window was on the front of the house. Jordan sat on the bed as I started to move the drawers as quietly as I could.

‘We’re going to die. We’re going to die.’ She said under her breath. I took all the boxes from out the wardrobe and piled them up, along with his TV and X box. I went over to Jordan who was still muttering to herself. I could now here her sobbing.

‘Jordan. We are not going to die. The others will be back any minute to help us.’ I said. Her crying got louder so I pulled her into my shoulder to muffle the sound.

‘Seriously though, if you can’t stop crying I will have to gag you.’ I said jokingly.

‘Do it then, I can’t cry any quieter.’ She whispered.

‘Don’t be stupid I’m not actually going to gag you.’ Every time we moved slightly on the bed the frame creaked so I pulled her off it. I sat on the floor with back up the wall. I pulled her onto my lap and she put her face in my neck to quieten her sobs. I could feel her warm breath on my neck. I sighed as I waited for the familiar sound of one of the cars to pull up outside.

‘How come Becky never went to the shop with you?’ she asked.

‘She wanted to go with the others to get a DVD.’ I whispered. We sat in silence in the pitch black for about 5 minutes. The fact we couldn’t hear anything from the intruders downstairs was slightly unnerving as we had no idea where they were. Jordan was still trying to control her panicked breathing and was now messing with the back of my hair.

‘Are you ok?’ I whispered.

‘Not really but I’m trying to relax.’ She said. Just then we heard a car pull up outside. We slowly got up and looked out the window to see Jay. We saw him get out of the car and look down the street, where he had spotted Abi and Max walking up. Jordan quietly opened the window as I grabbed a pillow of Tom’s bed. I aimed for Jay and threw the pillow. It hit him right on the back of his neck.

‘What the hell?’ he said looking round and spotted us. Jordan put her finger on her lip to signal him to be quiet. He nodded and she leant further out the window.

‘My phone is in your pocket throw it me.’ She whispered just loud enough for him to hear.

‘What are you two doing?’ he asked laughing.

‘Not now Jay! Just throw me my phone and I will ring you.’ He got it out his pocket and threw it up. I caught it in the tip of my fingers. I went through my contacts and found his name.

‘Hello. Now are you going to tell me why we are having a conversation using phones?’ he said. Abi and Max were now stood with Jay looking at us.

‘Jay someone is in the house. They’ve cut the electric and we can’t get out.’

‘What do you mean someone’s in the house?’

‘Someone has somehow got in and they’ve cut the electric in the cellar. We have barricaded ourselves in here, we can’t get out. The electric’s cut so the cards won’t work.’

‘Do you know where they are now? How many is there? Have they got weapons?’

‘I don’t know just get us out of here!’ I said a little too loudly.

‘Shhh!’ said Nathan with his ear pressed up the door. At that point Tom and the others came back.


‘What’s going on here?’ Tom said. As Jay explained to the others we heard the intruders rummaging through the kitchen drawers.

‘They’re in the house!’ I said. Nathan walked over.

‘Seriously, be quiet or I won’t be joking about gagging you.’ He whispered. I looked back out the window to see the others looking shocked.

‘I’m going round the back.’ Said Tom and Siva followed him. Amber was on her phone to the police.

‘Can you hear anything?’ Jay asked.

‘In the kitchen’ I whispered.

‘Wait there!’ said Max running to the neighbour’s house. He knocked on the door and we watched as the neighbour opened it and spoke to him before letting Max in the house.

‘Where is he going?’ Nathan asked.

‘How am I supposed-’ Nathan pressed his hand on my mouth and pointed to the door. He leant forward to whisper in my ear.

‘They’re coming up the stairs.’ I let out a small moan before walking to the window.

‘They are upstairs’ I mouthed to Jay. He went pale and started running his hand through his hair. Tom and Siva came running back.

‘The gates open! The gates open, they must have got in round the back.’ He said. Just then Max came out the house with a giant ladder. Tom ran to help him and they positioned it against the wall. We could hear them opening each of the bedroom doors, slowly getting closer to the one we were concealed behind.

‘Go!’ I said to Nathan. He climbed out the window and started to climb down the ladder. I put one of my legs over the window frame as the bedroom door flew open. The two men saw me and ran straight to the window.

‘Where are you going?’ one of them shouted. I tried to get my other leg over and climb down but they grabbed my arm.

‘Let go of me!’ I screamed.

‘Jordan, come on!’ Jay shouted.

‘I can’t!’ I shouted. He started to climb up the ladder but Tom pulled him back.

‘Mate you are going to pull the ladder, she will fall.’ He said holding him back.

‘But she needs me!’ he said struggling.

‘Jordan pull your arm away!’ Max shouted. I could see the girls at the bottom, their hands covering their eyes. As I was struggling the man loosened his grip for a second and I took the opportunity. I grabbed my arm away and practically ran down the ladder. Jay pulled me down before I got to the bottom and Max and Tom quickly moved the ladder to stop the men getting down. The police pulled up the street. I held onto Jay and he held me tightly. Nathan came over and joined in our hug as the police entered the house.

‘Thank you for looking after her mate.’ Jay said hugging him.

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