Chapter 25

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‘Dear diary,

I am so excited! Today is my final day here and although I have made some amazing new friends I can’t wait to get home. It has took me 8 long weeks but I am finally better. Before I came here, I got a new phone number because I knew Jay would be tempted to ring me. I put all the lads and girls’ numbers in a box before wiping them off my phone so I wouldn’t be tempted to call them. The thought of going home and opening the box to tell them I am better is so exciting! Now I just have to wait for my parent’s to come and pick me up.

When I first got here I hated it. Being in a place full of strangers, out of my comfort zone and I was missing Jay like mad. Every night for the first 2 weeks I cried myself to sleep because I wasn’t in his arms. Now I am in the right frame of mind and I have stopped having the sudden mood swings.

I will let you know how I am doing in a few weeks when I am back with my friends! Love Jordan :)’

I re-read what I had wrote before shutting my diary. I put it in my case and dragged it down the stairs and signed myself out at the reception before walking out the door. At the same time my parent’s had just pulled up in the car outside. They got out and hugged me before putting my suitcase in the car and we drove off. All the way home they told me how proud they was that I had gotten help and was finally better.

As soon as we got home I ran upstairs and opened the box I had with all the phone numbers in. I pulled out Max’s and picked up my phone. It rung a few times before he picked up.


‘Hey stranger!’

‘Oh my god! Jordan, how are you?’

‘Loads better I’m 100% fine now’

‘That is amazing! We have all missed you so much. Jay especially. He was awful the first couple of weeks, he just stayed in his room all the time and didn’t speak. Then the week after he went over the top cheery and was being over nice to us all. And now he is back to his moping and sitting in his room all day.’

‘Bless him, I feel really guilty, he was a mess even before I left.’

‘You should of seen him when he found those letters you left. He was in tears he didn’t want to open it, he thought it was going to be a suicide note or something.’

‘He really thought I would do that? Nah I weren’t that messed up!’

‘It’s lucky you phoned today actually, I’m having a housewarming, well flat warming party tonight do you want to come?’

‘Why do you have a new flat?’

‘Me and Abi got engaged a week after you went and now we have our own place.’

‘AWW, congratulations!! And yes I am definitely going to be there.’

‘Don’t contact Jay, I will tell the others you are back but we will surprise him ok?’

‘Sounds like a plan. I will get my stuff together and then head down to you guys ok?’

‘Ok, we can’t wait to see you, love you’

‘Love you too, bye!’ I put the phone down and began packing my bag. I told my parent’s what was happening before leaving the house and getting on the next train to London.

Max had text me the address of his new flat so I made my way there, suitcase dragging behind me. I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. Max answered.

‘Hey you! You look amazing!’ He pulled me in for a hug as the others came to the door.

‘I’ve missed you all so much!’ I said hugging them each in turn.

‘You look fit babe, I’m so glad you’re better’ Tom said.

‘You don’t even know how hard these past 2 months have been looking after Jay.’ Amber said.

‘Right he has the blindfold on so keep quiet or he will know it’s you.’ Nathan said walking to the door.

‘Nice to have you back by the way babe.’

I left my suitcase by the door and quietly walked in with the others to find Jay stood in the middle of the room with his blindfold on.

‘Guys this isn’t funny, can I just take it off now?’ he said.

‘Go on then.’ Tom answered.

He undid the knot in the cloth and the blindfold fell from his eyes. Instantly his eyes lit up and he saw me.

‘My baby’s back!’ he said before running to me and picking me up.

‘You look amazing!’ he said.

‘Being totally honest, you look like a mess babe.’ I said laughing. He spun me round before putting me back on my feet. He put one hand on my waist and the other on the back of my neck before pulling me in for a kiss. Everyone made ‘aww’ noises and Tom even wolfwhistled. We finally broke apart before Jay looked to the others.

‘Sorry to be selfish guys but you can see her tomorrow. I’m taking her home tonight!’ He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the room, grabbed my suitcase and went out the door. I managed to shout ‘Bye’ before we were out of the flat. We ran to the house which was just down the road and went inside. He didn’t even bother putting the lights on but threw my suitcase on the floor before pulling me upstairs to our bedroom.

‘You know, I haven’t shared this room with anyone for a whole 8 weeks?’ he said taking his top off.

‘You know, I haven’t shared a bed with you for a whole 8 weeks?’ I replied taking my jacket off. I took my trousers off and he did the same. He picked me up and sat me on his lap before pulling my shirt gently over my head and putting both hands on the back of neck. He gently pressed his lips to mine and slowly lay down . Carefully he rolled over, so he was lying on top of me.

‘I’ve missed you so much.’ He said as he started to kiss my neck. I reached my left arm out trying to find the light switch by the side of the bed. Jay caught on to what I was doing and so reached over and flicked the switch allowing the darkness to swallow the room...

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