Chapter 20

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We had had a busy week decorating the new house but we were now almost done. The only rooms we had left was the living room and Jay and Jordan’s room. We had left their room till last because Jordan had spent most of the week in there asleep. She only came out for meals and to get drinks as she was still really weak. Throughout the week she had offered to help but Jay would refuse to let her do anything. He had helped us decorate and get furniture but he would always make sure someone was checking on Jordan, he was still being very overprotective. She was always grateful for him being so caring but even now she was having trouble hiding the fact he was getting on her nerves. I had noticed this a few days ago but no one else had.

She came downstairs at lunchtime, fully dressed which was unusual as she had lived in her pyjamas for the past week. She said hi to everyone and grabbed her plate off the side. We both walked into the living room to find everyone sat on the sofas so we went to sit on the floor. At once Jay jumped up.

‘Sit here, I will sit on the floor.’ He said to Jordan.

‘I’m ok Jay honestly I will sit on the floor.’

‘No take my seat I don’t mind sitting on the floor.’

‘Jay! I’m ok now just drop it.’ She snapped before sitting down. Everyone looked between the two of them, they never argued. We all finished our lunch in silence and Jordan was the first to stand up. Everyone watched as she put her plate in the kitchen before going back upstairs. Becky followed her.


What was wrong with me? All Jay is doing is trying to look after me and I am just being horrible. I could feel myself getting really angry but then I heard someone come upstairs so I tried to calm myself down. The bedroom door opened and Becky walked in.

‘Hey, what’s up?’ she said sitting on the bed.

‘I don’t know. These past few days I just keep feeling really angry and I don’t know why. Jay is only trying to help me and I’m going to end up losing my temper with him and he doesn’t deserve that.’

‘Why don’t you show him you don’t really mean it. Go downstairs and apologise for shouting, then why don’t we go to the DIY shop to get some wallpaper for your room?’ Becky suggested.

‘Yeah, ok.’ I said. I put my shoes on and walked downstairs to find Jay watching TV. I walked over to him and sat on his lap.

‘I’m sorry for shouting earlier, I know you were only thinking about me and I love how caring you are. But I am getting better now and I’m getting my energy back. So now I’m feeling better shall we go to the shop and get some wallpaper for our room?’ His facial expression softened as I apologised.

‘I think we should yeah.’ He said smiling. We both stood up and got out jackets before heading to the door. Becky came running down the stairs dragging Nathan behind her.

‘Ready’ she panted.



‘What about this one?’ Jordan said holding a roll of wallpaper up.

‘I like it.’ I said.

‘You said that about the last 5 rolls I’ve picked up.’ She said sighing and walked round to the next aisle. I sighed before following her. She was struggling to reach one of the rolls off the top shelves. I reached up and tried to grab it for her.

‘I can manage Jay’ she said impatiently stretching on her tiptoes.

‘Honestly, I will reach it.’ I said trying to grab it again.


‘Jordan... I... I’m only trying to help, I don’t think you’re useless.’

‘YOU DECORATE THE ROOM! I’M DONE!’ she shouted before walking out. The checkout staff were stood at the end of the aisle staring along with the other customers. I could feel my face going red with embarrassment as everyone stood there in silence. Becky came and tugged my wak, indicating for me to start walking. Nathan followed.

‘Jay, she doesn’t mean it, she is still getting over what happened at the airport. It is obviously just playing on her mind.' I knew she was trying to get over what happened but surely someone's emotions wouldn't change that drastically. One minute she is happy then the next she is biting my head off I thought to myself. We got back in the car and the 3 of us drove back to the house.

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