Chapter 19

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4 hours later


We were still at the hospital and everyone was starting to get hungry. So we all headed down to the cafe, except Tom, Jordan and Jay. I ordered Tom a cup of tea and a bacon sandwich and was now taking it back up to his room.

‘What took you so long? I’m wasting away here!’ he said as soon as I opened the door.

‘Nice to see you’ve not changed.’ I said laughing. I handed him his things and sat down with my own cup of tea.

‘How’s Jordan?’ he asked with his mouth full.

‘She woke up before we got to the hospital, but she is still really weak so she is resting.’ I said. Tom finished his sandwich in silence. He screwed the wrapper and threw it in the bin.

‘Can we go and see her?’ he said quietly. I knew Tom wasn’t the most sensitive person in the world but he saw Jordan at her worst. He held her in his arms but he couldn’t do anything for her. When the doctors questioned him about her symptoms he stared at the floor the whole time and gave only one word answers. I knew he was ready so I said ‘Yeah, sure why not.’

I helped him get out his bed and gave him his crutches. He hobbled down the corridor to Jordan’s room and I slowly pushed the door open. Jay was sat in the chair next to the bed with his head resting on the bed. He had fell asleep and Jordan was stroking his hair. She was connected to a drip in her arm and had several wires under her gown on her chest. She had dark circles under eyes and was really pale.

‘Hey, Tom wanted to come and see how you were.’ I said.

‘Come here Tomtom.’ She said smiling. He hobbled over to her and sat on the bed. She stopped stroking Jay’s hair and carefully wrapped her arms round Tom.

‘Thank you so much. For looking after me, Jay said he was sorry for ever being horrible to you when we were away and he owes you big time.’

‘I didn’t do a very good job of looking after you though did I. If the police weren’t in there, we would both be dead by now.’

‘But we’re not. We are out, Jack is going to prison. We are all going to be fine-‘


‘STOP IT!’ She shouted waking Jay up.

Nathan appeared at the door with food for Jay and Jordan.

‘What’s going on?’ he said cautiously walking in the room. No one spoke so I broke the silence.

‘Come on Jay, let’s go and get some fresh air.’ He looked at Jordan who nodded and he slowly stood up. He kissed Jordan before turning round and walking out the room. Me and Nathan followed.


There was an awkward silence in the room before Tom came and sat back on the bed.

‘I’m sorry for shouting.’ He said hanging his head in shame. I grabbed his hand and he looked up.

‘I don’t blame you for anything. When I heard the gunshot I opened my eyes. You were unconscious but you were still looking after me, you had your arms round me and I knew I would be safe. When I woke up, I wanted to come and see you straightaway but they wouldn’t let me. I was so relieved when you came in with Max, I knew you would be ok but I wanted to see for myself. And I’m not bothered about you shouting Tom, we’ve all been through this and we all deal with it in different ways. It’s better to let it out then to bottle it up.’

We hugged before he spoke.

‘Thank you Jordan. I’ll go and get Jay now, I’m going to find Amber.’ We hugged again before he grabbed his crutches and went out the room.



We were sat in the living room of the new house watching a scary film. Jordan and Tom had both come out of hospital this morning so we decided to have a movie day. I sat snuggled up to Nathan, next to Siva and Chloe who were both hiding behind cushions. Max had his arm around Abi and they were both laughing at Siva and Chloe. Tom was lay with his leg stretched out and Amber was sat next to him holding his hand. Jay and Jordan had a sofa to themselves and were snuggled under a big blanket. I looked closely and saw they had both fell asleep again, their arms wrapped tightly around each other and holding hands. Jay had been so protective of Jordan since she had got back from the hospital but it was really cute. We were all making the most of our lazy day because tomorrow we were going to start decorating he house.

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