Chapter 31

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6 months later


‘I can’t believe we have nearly finished decorating the flat already.’ I said turning to face Jordan. We had just woken up and were lay in bed. The band had had a busy few months and we were now taking a short but well earned break. We had all decided last month that we needed our own space and so each couple had got their own flat. However we were all on the same street so we were never far away from everyone else.

‘I know babe, it looks beautiful.’ She said. She sat up and suddenly went pale.

‘Back in a minute.’ She said before running to the bathroom. I could hear her being sick so I went to get her a glass of water before going to the bathroom. I kneeled down next to her and held her long brown hair back and rubbed her back soothingly. When she finally finished she gulped the water down and sat with her back to the radiator.

‘This is the 5th time you have been sick this week.‘ I said. ‘Are you sure you’re ok?’

‘Course I am, it’s just morning sickness. What else could it be, because I’m pregnant?’ she joked. She laughed and then suddenly stopped and looked at me.

‘Oh my god. Could it be?’ she said. I thought about it. We hadn’t used any protection for the past few months.

‘Maybe. Should we get a test?’

‘Yeah, could you run to the shop for me?’ she said. I pulled my joggers and hoodie on and stuck a beanie over my messy morning hair.I ran to the shop down the road and bought the test before sprinting back. I found Jordan in the bedroom sat on the bed.

‘Let’s do it now.’ She said. We went into the bathroom and I read the instructions before handing her the test. She did what she needed to do and put it on the windowsill and we waited. Those 10 minutes were the longest of my life, Jordan had took to pacing up the hallway.

‘Check it please, I can’t look!’ she said. I took a deep breath and looked at the little screen.

I walked out to Jordan with a straight face.

‘What did it say?’ she asked. I broke out in a wide grin before picking her up and spinning her around.

‘We are going to be parents!’ I said laughing.

‘Are you happy?’ she asked.

‘Of course babe. We are going to have our own little family! I love you so much babe.’ We stayed in our hug for about 10 minutes, jumping up and down like little children.

We finally broke apart and went to the bedroom. Jordan checked her phone.

‘Abi has text me. She wants us to go round there, Tom and Amber are going to skype us in 20 minutes.’ We quickly pulled some clothes on and made ourselves presentable before going round to Max and Abi’s.

‘Hey guys.’ Jordan said. A chorus of ‘Hey’s’ came from the living room, everyone else was already there.


We were sat in Max and Abi’s living room waiting for Tom and Amber. We were on a short break and so they had decided to go and do some travelling in America. Max had managed to connect the laptop to the TV so we could clearly see them. The laptop flashed and Tom’s face appeared.

‘What’s happening peeps!’ he shouted. He was on his own but there was all candles in the background and rose petals everywhere.

‘What’s going on Parker? Where’s Amber?’ Abi asked.

‘Just downstairs, she is on her way back now and I ‘m going to surprise her. I’m going to propose to her.’

‘Awww, that is so cute!’ Chloe said.

‘Nath, you should propose to Becky soon, you two are going to be the only couple not engaged now.’ Jay said. I laughed.

‘Not yet Bird.’

‘Shh, she is coming!’ Tom said. We sat in the silence as we heard the door open.

‘What’s going on?’ Amber said. Tom got on one knee and pulled out a beautiful ring.

‘Amber. Will you marry me?’ She started crying with happiness.

‘Yes! Oh my god Tom! Yes yes yes!’ We all cheered and made her jump, she hadn’t realised we were skyping.

‘Hey guys!’ she said flashing her new ring at the camera.

‘Congratulations babe!’ Max shouted. We all joined in with shouting our congratulations. I looked over to see Jordan and Jay whispering about something. They saw me looking and smiled before Jay put his hand up to get everyone’s attention.

‘Guys me and Jordan have some good news too!’

‘What is it?’ Max asked.

‘Jordan was sick this morning.’Jay said with a big goofy girn on his face.

‘Er, lovely story Jay but did we need to know that?’ Tom asked pulling a disgusted face.

‘Let me finish. Jordan was sick this morning so I went to the shop to get a pregnancy test. She took it and it was positive! I’m going to be a Dad!’ Everyone shouted and yelled with delight all coming over to give us a big group hug.

‘Congratulations you two!’ Tom and Amber shouted.

‘Right guys we gotta go now, speak soon. Congratulation you two, our very first The Wanted baby.’ Tom said.

‘Congratulations to you two as well see you soon.’ Jordan said. Max started to unplug the laptop and the others started talking. I noticed Jordan get up to go the kitchen and so I followed her.

‘Congratulations babe.’ I said hugging her.

‘Thank you Nath. There is no awkwardness between us at all?’

‘Course not, we are brother and sister remember?’ I said smiling.

‘Yeah brother and sister, us against the world.’ She said laughing. She hugged me before looking me right in the eye.

‘You will be Godfather of course.’

‘Aww babe, I would be honoured.’ She laughed before walking out.

1 year later

And that was that. Everyone was happy. Tom and Amber had returned from their travels all loved up and engaged. Siva and Chloe’s wedding was fast approaching. Max and Amber had got married earlier in the year and Nathan had finally proposed to Becky. Jay and Jordan ended up having twins! 2 little boys: Daniel and Tyler. The band had gone huge over in America and so were away a lot but they were one of Britain’s most successful artist and won many awards. There lives were very disorganised and hetic but they were all happy and in love and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

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